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favicon PipsTycoon pipstycoon.com
PipsTycoon est une nouvelle façon de faire de l'argent en ligne. Au commencement, vous serez pauvre, n'aurez pas de maisons, de voiture, de nourriture. Pour y remédier, vous devrez trouver un job. Avec votre premier salaire, vous achèterez de la nourriture....Une voiture...Des vêtement...Et enfin une maison. Mais pour parvenir a ce stade sans perdre trop de votre temps ou de votre argent ( Oui, il est possible d'ajouter des fond directement et d'ainsi se hisser au top de l'économie.)

Vous pourrez investir dans la bourse ou encore développez votre société. Le jeu étant très complet, vous aurez un choix plus que suffisant pour gagner votre vie. Mais l'atout principale du jeu, est le retrait. En effet, l'argent gagné durant votre partie vous verra la possibilité de vous être versé sur le processeur de paiement de votre choix. Le second atout du jeu, est le fait qu'il reprenne en temps réelle les cotations en bourse et qu'il le retransmette dans le jeu.


1) travailler UNE fois par jour, chaque jour (très important !! )
2) lorsque vous atteignez 1.5€ +- louer des vêtements durant 5ou6 jours de qualité moyenne
3) continuer à travailler normalement
4) refaire comme précédent
5) vous aller gagner de plus en plus
6) retirer vos gains quand bon vous semble

Personnellement avec cette technique, je suis inscrit depuis 10 jours je suis à 1.5€ / jour donc pour un site ou il suffit de cliquer sur un bouton par jour.. c'est pas mal ^^

Alors si vous aussi, vous souhaitez gagner de l'argent tout en jouant à un jeu très sympathique : n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur le bouton " Visiter " au dessus ^^
Bonus à l'inscription/
Seuil de paiement100 $
Solutions de paiementvirement bancaire, Skrill, Bitcoin, Neteller, OkPay
Suivi depuis3163 jours
Paiements déclarés sur NBR   0,00 €
Pays acceptés Tous
Règles d'évolution des statuts
Au nombre de six, les statuts sont le reflet de la confiance que nous accordons à la fiabilité de paiement d'un site rémunérateur. Cette notation dépend des témoignages de paiements signalés sur par les membres ainsi que de l'avis éclairé des administrateurs et modérateurs.

sérieux Nombreux témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
prometteur Quelques témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
nouveauté Statut attribué par défaut
douteux Doutes sur la fiabilité de paiement
arnaque Ne paye pas ou va bientôt cesser de payer
fermé Site inactif ou disparu

En savoir plus

  • Statut actuel de PipsTycoon
Raison du statut actuellement assigné par netbusinessrating depuis le 07/04/2016 à 11h09
Les commentaires utilisateurs sont négatifs
Historique du statut
  • 2015-10-28 19:31:20
  • Ne paye pas : arnaque
Comment gagner de l'argent en ligneComment gagner de l'argent en ligne
La plus grande base de données du web francophone pour savoir comment générer un complément de revenu grâce au web et éviter les arnaques.
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9 Avis sur 16 commentaires
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1 an
Learn how to make over $6,500 from Bitcoin/Forex on weekly basis inbox Maria Renee for details, she is the best account manager.
WhatsApp:+1 732-630-9483
1 an
Between God and man, and of the truth, I have referred more than 37 persons within a space of 3 weeks to my legit and trusted Account Manager, Maria Renee, she is the only account manager to ever pay me my profit after my first 7days trade of $1000 that yielded to $9750. I vowed to testify of her honesty to the public and that is what i have been doing because she deserve more than this. I was bankrupted and left with nothing by fake experts and she came to my rescue. It's already 16 weeks I have been trading with her platform and profit payout is always fast at once click. Now I am financially balanced and my bank account is on the increase. God bless you ma’am,Contact her for genuinely trading and fast profit payout..
WhatsApp: +1 (732) 630-9483
7 ans
The site has been doing good since its change of ownership and complete revamp at the beginning of this year. It was previously dying out with the old owner which is why you see a lot of negative things about it. But now it just keeps getting better and better as the development continues, and is set to launch in 2017 (it's in beta currently).

It's definitely legit, and personally I recommend giving it a go. It's free to sign up and you can make a few cents a day with no investment by literally just pushing a button. Then just use that to invest in other things. It'll take a while to build up, but you at least get to test it with no risk.

If you like it you should consider investing some of your own money to get going faster. In my example I invested $30 to open a company and it's looking good so far.

Just whatever you do, don't rush into it expecting to get rich. If you want to make money, do your research and carefully make a long-term strategy.
Hm did this post twice?
7 ans
7 ans
There are a few misleading informations if your description.

First of all, it only pays bitcoin, and accepts as payment mot of the e-walets used by the resellers on the game or by the game itself.

Second of all, the payout is variable depending on the game economy. At this point is $100.

The game is mostly about fun. the fact that you ca make an income is a bonus.

If you are a good trader, you can invest $74 and make $124 profit in no time. You can see the top trade. Those are not numbers i invented.

7 ans
PipsTycoon is much more than just financial simulation.
While game is indeed highly focused around trading, this is not only way, how you can play it.

- Investment

Playing PipsTycoon, you can think about investment online platform. But since this is a game, it can be both fun and rewarding. And rewards can be claimed in real $$$. How you going to approach your investment, is entirely up to you.

- So, if you have few $$$ to start from

By invest in trading, you can turn your trading skills into profit in easy way, if you know how.
Choose to trade with major Forex currencies pairs, Commodities, or crypto-currencies.

If you feel you got control over trading, why not to find some investors?
This can be simply done, by opening ingame Investment Fund company. You trade in similar fashion as normally do and while you company perform well, you attract investors, who bring money in the company. Hence you can trade for more $$$.

- Companies

You can open many other companies as well. Some of them pressures metals mines, food, wine, clothing, jewellery, cars, houses, etc., Produced raw materials and goods are sold at ingame market. Players can use them, to generate energy, required to gain more profit, from number activities.

- Energy

Amount of energy is similar like your real life energy. You can work, or do other things. You have limited time in a day etc. More energy, you become more proficient. For example you can gain more from working at companies, getting profit from referrals, and daily energy bonus.

- I don't have $$$, but can I earn?

Sure you can, hence join us. How you can earn otherwise without initial $$$. You can go to work every day, earning wages offered by the companies. Within few days, you should be able to find some profitable energy products, and make some profit on these. Also, you can write ingame articles, which are relevant to the pipstycoon. Soon you will see some $. Game encourage to be systematic. That brings extra bonuses.

- Shares

Game offers shares for sale. Buying in right time, can bring nice profit in near future.
Also, you can buy and sell shares, of individual companies.
Having shares, will bring profit from dividends, and from selling later on.

- Affiliates

Promote and share your referral link, which is available in game. Having many referrals, will bring profit very soon. You earn tax from theirs earnings and tracings. And if your referral invests, then you have extra bonus.

Additionally you can buy, sell and rent affiliates.

- Advertising space

You can use offered advertising space, which is visible for both players and visitors. With thousands of visitors, it can bring desired effect for you own web.

- Takeover

At end of the year 2015, PipsTycoon has change ownership. One of players bought whole system, as great potential has been seen, but yet initially wasted and abused by previous owner. Since then, game goes through major changes. This brought new opportunities and vision on continuing this project, as well, as for everybody involved (from administration to players).

- Game Development

As game is still in its beta, it undergoes number of modifications. Last few months, there were numerous of major and minor improvements. Including focusing security and balancing whole system. Nearest plans are to bring battle system, where players will be able to fight with each other and mobs. This will create new military industry and bring more fun to the PipsTycoon.

This will create much higher demand on goods. Also there is much more to come along with it.

- So why not joining?

Bringing either $$$, or your time, you can make good investment. Specially starting early.
And bring your friends with you. If you don't want to invest $$$, you can simply spend few clicks per day and you will be already on +. There is also Skype community, where all your question can be answered regarding to PipsTycoon.

So join us yet today, by clicking/copying to the browser link below
Hope to see you soon

Please follow official Facebook page for latest updates
And fan page

- Myself

I own companies, shares affiliates and do trading.
You can find me, by searching ingame player name


PS. Payout is set to $120 not $25 | Edit. : 02/07/2016 1:16:35
8 ans
PipsTycoon turn to doubtful status.

Reason : User comments are negative
8 ans
PipsTycoon turn to scam status.

Reason : Not paying : scam
8 ans
Pipstycoon is a huge scam hidding behind an economic game but in reality they atract investors and they get nothing in return , do not invest any money in that game
This is outdated, the site changed ownership and is not a scam.
7 ans
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