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2-sl Start Living

2-sl Start Living

favicon 2-sl Start Living 2-sl.com

AVERTISSEMENTCertains MLM incitent plus à effectuer des ventes à l'intérieur de votre réseau plutôt qu'à des clients externes. Cette pratique est déconseillée car source d'échec pour les nouveaux distributeurs.

2-sl.com est une entreprise de MLM qui souhaite répondre au souhait de nombreuses personnes : voyager au quatre coins du monde et gagner de l'argent, beaucoup d'argent...

Ce MLM propose de devenir son propre patron, bâtir une grande entreprise mondiale, transparente, dotée d'un plan marketing généreux!

Si vous désirez voyager dans les plus beaux endroits partir plus souvent en vacances.
Alors vous êtes au bon endroit avec 2SL Start Living.
Ce business est dirigé par James Ward, déjà fondateur de LGN (un bide). Donc prenez Start Living avec prudence et perplexité.
Coût initial247 $
Type de produit vendu par la société
Solutions de paiement
Suivi depuis3514 jours
Paiements déclarés sur NBR   0,00 €
Pays acceptés Tous
Ils utilisent 2-sl Start Living
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    Au nombre de six, les statuts sont le reflet de la confiance que nous accordons à la fiabilité de paiement d'un site rémunérateur. Cette notation dépend des témoignages de paiements signalés sur par les membres ainsi que de l'avis éclairé des administrateurs et modérateurs.

    sérieux Nombreux témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
    prometteur Quelques témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
    nouveauté Statut attribué par défaut
    douteux Doutes sur la fiabilité de paiement
    arnaque Ne paye pas ou va bientôt cesser de payer
    fermé Site inactif ou disparu

    En savoir plus

    • Statut actuel de 2-sl Start Living
    Raison du statut actuellement assigné par netbusinessrating depuis le 27/02/2017 à 22h15
    Nombreux témoignages et/ou preuves de paiements signalés
    Historique du statut
    • 2014-09-19 15:31:51
    • Fondé par James Ward, un homme ayant un passé mouvementé dans le MLM : fondateur de LGN par exemple, un MLM qui s'est éteint. Ne lui faites pas confiance et passez votre chemin. Arrêtez de croire à ses sirènes.
    Comment gagner de l'argent en ligneComment gagner de l'argent en ligne
    La plus grande base de données du web francophone pour savoir comment générer un complément de revenu grâce au web et éviter les arnaques.
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    4 Avis sur 8 commentaires
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    modo avatar
    7 ans
    2-sl Start Living turn to scam status.

    Reason : Several payment proof or payment testimony posted.
    8 ans
    I joined this company under bad advice on Dec 2, 2015. I did not even know how bad they were until I cancelled 2 days later (their rules require that you cancel within 3 days for a full refund). I sent in a support ticket to cancel as stated in the rules and received a confirmation of the ticket that day. I heard nothing and suddenly the ticket was marked resolved and was closed. I replied to that ticket resolved email which opened it again and again it was closed. I then entered another ticket and received a reply that they showed they had responded previously and would send my info to billing to take care of the refund. Again the ticket is marked resolved and closed. I played this game a couple more times without any response. Then sent an email to an insider that I am not going to name but he was on the website and I found him on Facebook. He said he would bring it up in the next meeting which was happening in a couple days. I still did not hear back for about a month. I waited because he had some personal issues and I felt bad for him. He is a very nice guy. I finally asked him about it and he said he though it had been resolved as he had sent it to someone as well. This is one of 4 people that were listed as leaders on the website now just so you know. He then said that unfortunately there were a lot of us and that he could not, at this time, help because he was leaving the company due to some of the changes they were going to make but that there were some that were going to be suing or something like that and he would give them my name. I have not heard back and so I went to find another person on their website to hunt down on Facebook, I mean 416.00 is not chicken scratch ok? Lo and behold they have removed the leaders from their page. There was no phone number and I let it sit for a bit then went back and saw they had added a number. I called and someone picked up then hung up. No they do not know it's me. I then called back and it went to one of those really old type voice mails. They have my 416 they could of at least sprung for a better answering machine. Anyhow, then the chat box popped up and I talked to the same guy Ivan Hernandez that had said online in support that he would send it to billing and he said he was researching it. I stayed in that chat all day and all night. Not another peep. Now when you go to the chat you have to enter all your info. Hmmm I wonder why. So they can screen it. Man I know that often people complain for no reason and do when they did not follow directions but that is not the case here I just want my money back. So this is the first of many, many, many sites I will be posting on. Oh and I have friends who also post alot :)
    9 ans
    2-sl Start Living turn to doubtful status.

    Reason : Founded by James Ward, a man with a checkered past in MLM: LGN founder eg, that has gone off. Do not trust him and go your way. Stop believing its sirens.
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