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favicon Admaximo admaximo.net

AVERTISSEMENTCertains MLM incitent plus à effectuer des ventes à l'intérieur de votre réseau plutôt qu'à des clients externes. Cette pratique est déconseillée car source d'échec pour les nouveaux distributeurs.

Admaximo est une nouvelle plateforme publicitaire a revenues partagés en pré-lancement depuis le 4 mai et dont le lancement est prévu le 15/05.
L'admin est Walter Watson.
L'inscription est gratuite.
Vous achetez des Packs à 40 $ pour un retour de 50 $ (ROI=125%) Chaque pack vous donnent des crédits pour créer de la pub via des bannières,textes etc...
-Il y'a un programme d'affiliation: 10% de commissions sur les directs
-Les gains seront journaliers.
-Minimum de retrait : 10$

Afin de faire perdurer le système, des gains max seront plafonnés à 2% par jour. Ceci est conçu pour la croissance à long terme.
Coût initial40 $
Type de produit vendu par la société
Solutions de paiementPayza, solidtrust, perfectmoney
Suivi depuis3288 jours
Paiements déclarés sur NBR   0,00 €
Pays acceptés Tous
Ils utilisent Admaximo
    Règles d'évolution des statuts
    Au nombre de six, les statuts sont le reflet de la confiance que nous accordons à la fiabilité de paiement d'un site rémunérateur. Cette notation dépend des témoignages de paiements signalés sur par les membres ainsi que de l'avis éclairé des administrateurs et modérateurs.

    sérieux Nombreux témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
    prometteur Quelques témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
    nouveauté Statut attribué par défaut
    douteux Doutes sur la fiabilité de paiement
    arnaque Ne paye pas ou va bientôt cesser de payer
    fermé Site inactif ou disparu

    En savoir plus

    • Statut actuel de Admaximo
    Raison du statut actuellement assigné par netbusinessrating depuis le 05/05/2015 à 15h11
    Vente de packs de pub de type ponzi
    Historique du statut
    • Aucune donnée
    Comment gagner de l'argent en ligneComment gagner de l'argent en ligne
    La plus grande base de données du web francophone pour savoir comment générer un complément de revenu grâce au web et éviter les arnaques.
    Voir le dossier
    Avis utilisateurs
    2 Avis sur 5 commentaires
    You must be a member to be able to post here. Rejoignez-nous.
    8 ans
    Aprés entretien avec un membre du staff, l'ajout de cashlinks type Trafficmonsoon est prévu (pas de délai annoncé cela dit).
    Il y aura donc la possibilité de faire des gains sans investir ;)
    J'ai pas trop suivi Admaximo, il y eu un changement d'admin non ?
    8 ans
    Si c'est le cas je suis pas au courant...
    8 ans
    Mail reçu le 24 mai (désolé pour le gros pavé) : Dear Members, There are huge things going on behind the scenes. As some of you already know i am in process of buying this program from Walter Watson which was successfuly holding this program up to now. There has been some changing for him in his life and he is not have time for online program like this at all. This is huge time consuming things running a program like this so he said he wants to sell it. There has been lots of things done already and i was helping him from the start so i already know a lot about AdMaximo and how to handle everything. Lot's of you know me, i have been in this industry for some years now, i have seen lots of programs come and go so i know the feeling of dissapointment when you build some program for few months and then owners dissappears. I want this program to be different and to make some difference in reference to other programs. It was already build in the way so that it can be sustainable for very long time. I will give you more details in few sentences below about situation now and what is coming up. In past 4 days we have been talking back and forth about all possibilities for me to get access to everything, which also includes payment processors access, users database, all financial instruments aswell as security of the site. Now i can tell you i already have all access and i am 100% owner of AdMaximo.net and whole community which is included in that domain. From the start there was already more then 1000 people that upgraded and more then 1300 shares were purchased which means even if people doesnt seem to advertise it they are sending emails out and they are putting advertising on their blogs, sites, splash pages, optin pages and sales funnels. Site is working 100% already from the prelaunch till now there was no lags and everything was running smooth although site was attacked multiple times on the days of official launch! You can see site has very good protection over whole system. There are some things been added alrady this weekend. For example many of you spotted new popup warning which reminds you to click 10 ads daily. I have lots of ideas on how to get this system even better. New login page ads will be available, security passwords will be added + second password for withdrawal, Neteller option has been in making and will be added shortly. So there is huge things going on now! I think everyone wants to start something which will bring them secure and steady income for days to come and not just for short period of time. I know you wanted someone that you can feel is truthful person and will not run away with your money, well only thing i can guarantee is i will try 1000% to help you all make money and advertise on this site so you will have lots of customer coming to your current business! SPECIAL NOTICE: I am going to be making webinar tomorrow evening at 9pm CEST. I will be sending link to webinar out tomorrow morning so please be ready for it. Please come in as much numbers as possible and you will be able to ask me any question you want about program and its future. The show goes on, thanks everyone for the support and let's make this opportunity to be the best in the world! Have a great day, Simon Derman
    8 ans
    D'aprés ce thread l'admin d'Admaximo ne serait autre que Beejay ex Digadz et scammeur patenté : http://www.realscam.com/f9/digadz-3662/index10.html - info à prendre avec des pincettes bien sur mais Admaximo ne m'a jamais inspiré confiance en tout cas.
    8 ans
    Effectivement, il vaut se méfier... Aprés comme tu dis, c'est à prendre avec des pincettes, aprce qu'à ce moment la il faut aussi se méfier de trafficmonsoon: http://ptccentral.com/trafficmoonson-review/ Les gens peuvent changer, mais la prudence reste de mise
    8 ans
    9 ans
    Dear Members of AdMaximo Community,

    I would first like to thank you for this awesome Pre-Launch where we already got more then 1100 registered members. Everything has been very smooth from the start and program looks very good with no glitches in the system which is phenomenal. Only thing which caught our members attention was in subscription part of the site. I would like to apologize for some mistakes we made in the beginning with wrong predictions so we made some change to original plan. We had to operate with what we had to not remake our script base, give downtime to this great prelaunch and to work withing timeframes we gave to our community. So here is final long-term plan which we think would benefit to all types of budgets.

    There will be 115% ROI
    1.99$ / monthly subscribtion
    Only 5% will be put into Maximo eWallet after withdrawal
    There will be no fees for withdrawals only what processors will take

    Special note: Please know that this is prepared for longterm business and best way for you to capitalize in this business is to compound it till you start making some substantial income. I believe people will have here the opportunity to make very good online income and i hope you will stay and advertise with us.

    Sincerely Your Admin
    Walter Watson
    9 ans
    Admaximo passe au statut arnaque.

    Raison : Vente de packs de pub de type ponzi
    9 ans
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