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favicon CashKarma xkr.ma

Entrez ce code pour obtenir un bonus à l'inscription : doudou93


CashKarma is a mobile application allowing you to make money by downloading applications and trying them! By the creators of AppKarma.

Unlike AppKarma, it offers an immediate pay rate (no need to keep the application installed for several days) against the sponsorship rate is 10% against 50% for AppKarma and no VIP account also. In exchange, the addition of polls and other sponsors of winnings

You earn between 15 and 2800 Karma per application installed, the payment threshold has been raised to $ 5 via PayPal (for 6000 Karma points)


4 Topics to win (1 or 2 Karma) via viewing advertising videos of about 30 seconds:
- Applovin
- Fyber
- NativeX
- Aerserv
The number of videos is 25 videos per day for the first 3 items and 1 for the last. The first video of the day adds a gain of 5 Karma.

2 Headings of Karma gain via polls:
- Peanut Labs
- Pollfish
Average gain of 300 Karma for a 10-minute survey.

2 Gain Topics by Install Applications:
- Fyber
- Adscend Media
The winnings are given if conditions are fulfilled (Tutorial done, Inscription on the game, Character level 3, ...).
Average gain between 15 and 2800 Karma depending on offers.


The badge system has been put in place and allows new players additional winnings.

There are classic badges (declined in 4 levels) and unique badges.

Check-In (Loyalty):
- Open the app every day:
Level 1 = 10 days (Gain + 50 Karma)
Level 2 = 25 days (Gain + 100 Karma)
Level 3 = 50 days (Gain + 250 Karma)
Level 4 = 75 days (Gain + 500 Karma)

Offer (Fyber and Adscend Media):
- Validate X offers:
Level 1 = 5 Valid Offers (Gain + 50 Karma)
Level 2 = 15 Valid Offers (Gain + 100 Karma)
Level 3 = 30 Validated Offers (Gain + 250 Karma)
Level 4 = 35 Validated Offers (Gain + 500 Karma)

Video (Pub):
- Complete X viewing of ads:
Level 1 = 50 Watched Videos (Gain + 50 Karma)
Level 2 = 150 Videos Watched (Gain + 100 Karma)
Level 3 = 300 Videos Watched (Gain + 250 Karma)
Level 4 = 500 Videos Watched (Gain + 500 Karma)

Gains (Karma):
- Total points earned:
Level 1 = 3000 Karma gained (Gain + 100 Karma + 5% of future earnings)
Level 2 = 8000 Karma won (Gain + 250 Karma + 7.5%)
Level 3 = 15000 Karma won (Gain + 500 Karma + 10%)
Level 4 = 25000 Karma gained (Gain + 1000 Karma + 12.5%)

Badges unique (without level)

Sponsored (Gain +300 Karma)
Registration (Gain +100 Karma)
Verification (Validated Email) (Gain +50 Karma)
Invitation (1 Godchild who filled an offer) (Gain +100 Karma)
Gift Card (First Payment Received) (Gain + 300 Karma)

Be 21 badges at the moment. Badge system slightly different from AppKarma.



6000 Karma = $ 5 + 300 Karma
10000 Karma = $ 10 + 500 Karma

The $ 3 gain has been withdrawn.


5000 Karma = $ 5 + 250 Karma
10000 Karma = $ 10 + 500 Karma

5% of the points spent are indeed made not to start again at 0. Small nice gift. For Paypal, best rate for $ 10.


Winning Gain: 300 Karma via the Sponsored Badge

Sponsor Gain: 10% of Rewards

Use the godfather's installation link or enter his code when registering.

There is a limit to the number of referrals.

Entrez ce code pour obtenir un bonus à l'inscription : doudou93

Seuil de paiement5 $
Nombre de membresentre 10 000 et 100 000
Taux de parrainage moyen15%
Sur quelle plateforme fonctionne cette application ?Android / IOS /
Solutions de paiementPaypal, Chèque cadeau, Amazon, iTunes, Steam
Langueanglais, français
Suivi depuis3115 jours
Paiements déclarés sur NBR   176,02 €
Pays acceptés Tous
Règles d'évolution des statuts
Au nombre de six, les statuts sont le reflet de la confiance que nous accordons à la fiabilité de paiement d'un site rémunérateur. Cette notation dépend des témoignages de paiements signalés sur par les membres ainsi que de l'avis éclairé des administrateurs et modérateurs.

sérieux Nombreux témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
prometteur Quelques témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
nouveauté Statut attribué par défaut
douteux Doutes sur la fiabilité de paiement
arnaque Ne paye pas ou va bientôt cesser de payer
fermé Site inactif ou disparu

En savoir plus

  • Statut actuel de CashKarma
Comment gagner de l'argent en ligneComment gagner de l'argent en ligne
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