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AVERTISSEMENTTrader présente un risque de perdre son capital. Soyez-en pleinement conscient.

La société EXNESS est une des plus grandes firmes de courtage dans le domaine du Forex et le trading de devises.

Exness (Cy) Ltd est autorisée et régulée par la CySEC avec le numéro de licence 178/12.
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19 Avis sur 25 commentaires
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6 mois
I want to advice everyone here ,please be careful when choosing a broker or Account manager to invest your fund,i was a victim of Binary Option scam.they kept on requesting for additional fees before withdrawal can be processed ,at the end i lost all my fund. All effort to reached out to their customer support was declined ,i was heart broken for over four months.God so kind i was going through a broadcast on youtube and i came across a comment on how to get my lost fund back, i contacted the email provided. They instructed me to provide all the details about my broker who scammed me, wish i did without delay .To my greatest surprised they helped me to recovered all the money i lost…. i said i will continue to share this so that all scammed victims can recover their money back .they are really good and supportive…. you can reach them on email
EMAIL- wilfredscott 912 @ gmail.com

Please let them know Victoria, recommend you, they offer the best recovery services worldwide.

10 mois
They promised a guaranteed return on my investment but after investing my life savings, I got nothing in return. They seemed legitimate at first, but it was all a scam. I urge people to stay away from fake platforms and not risk their hard-earned money like I did. Report scam to cybertecx net for payout solution

1 an
Losing my funds to Binary Option for years has been the worst thing that has happened to my entire life.

If you’re still planning on trading with R24capital and other scam brokers then you’re honestly putting yourself on a great risk because you might just end up losing all what you’ve worked for in your entire life.

I just hope you don't experience the hard times I went through after trading with R24capital. They entirely took all I had and left me with nothing. After investing $47,000 with them, they denied my several attempts to withdraw my funds out, I filed several reports to the security agencies, none of them could help me with it. For years I tried several ways to get my fund out until last month when I found out about Secured Recovery.

All thanks to this expert who quickly came to my aid and my colleague who recommended him to me. I sent a mail to his email address - eddiewilfred816 @ gmail.com describing how the whole event happened and I gave him some details too concerning the transactions too. He helped recover about 80% of my lost funds.

R24capital almost wrecked me to the last if not for the sake of this Recovery Expert. I will never advice anyone to trade with them and if you have lost any amount too to any broker, a mail to the expert might just help.

3 ans
Bad broker! this is the worst company i know and traded with. i'd almost lost all my investment with them thanks for the quick intervention of a recovery company who i was referred to and got all my money back. Visit the website ?Scaminspect. c o m? if you have lost money to binary investment or if you need good referrals company.
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