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favicon VirWox virwox.com
VirWox est un site pour échanger de la monnaie réelle en monnaie virtuelle et vis vers ça.

VirWox existe depuis 2007 ce qui garanti son sérieux pour la sécurité de vos transactions.

Avec VirWox on peut déposer sur son compte de l'argent provenant de :

- Carte de paiement
- Paypal
- Bitcoin
- Virement bancaire
- Skrill
- Okpay
- Paysafecard

Principalement, les membres dépose de l'argent via un compte PayPal vérifié.
Une fois l'argent déposé, vous transformez votre monnaie en "SLL" (monnaie VirWox), puis vers du Bitcoin que vous pourrez retirer vers votre portefeuille, ou bien le laisser sur le site.

Le taux de frais est dégraissif suivant le montant que vous échanger : 4% de frais à partir de 600EUR d'achat.
Certains penseront que c'est beaucoup mais au final c'est peu comparez aux autres sites (Coinbase 10%) et vous avez la garanti d'être payé, en vue de l'ancienneté du site et + 900.000 utilisateurs réguliers.

Venez jeter un coup d'oeil, ce site vaut le détour.
Articles liés à cette fiche
Quelles crypto-monnaies peuvent être échangées ?
Solutions de paiement
Suivi depuis2963 jours
Paiements déclarés sur NBR   1 130,48 €
Pays acceptés Tous
Règles d'évolution des statuts
Au nombre de six, les statuts sont le reflet de la confiance que nous accordons à la fiabilité de paiement d'un site rémunérateur. Cette notation dépend des témoignages de paiements signalés sur par les membres ainsi que de l'avis éclairé des administrateurs et modérateurs.

sérieux Nombreux témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
prometteur Quelques témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
nouveauté Statut attribué par défaut
douteux Doutes sur la fiabilité de paiement
arnaque Ne paye pas ou va bientôt cesser de payer
fermé Site inactif ou disparu

En savoir plus

  • Statut actuel de VirWox
Raison du statut actuellement assigné par netbusinessrating depuis le 02/05/2020 à 04h46
Site fermé
Historique du statut
  • 2018-01-09 09:48:13
  • Plusieurs preuves ou témoignages de paiements signalés
  • 2017-12-19 09:44:22
  • Plusieurs preuves ou témoignages de paiements signalés
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10 Avis sur 24 commentaires
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4 ans
VirWox turns to closed status.

Reason : Closed website
4 ans
VirWoX is closed

As previously announced, the Virtual World Exchange (VirWoX) has permanently closed its business on January 6, 2020.

VirWoX operated for more than 12 years, first as a place to buy and sell Linden Dollars for Second Life, and since April 2011 our users also traded Bitcoin. That made VirWoX the world's oldest Bitcoin exchange after MtGox closed in 2014. We wish to thank our more than a million customers for their loyalty in all these years.

Enquiries can still be sent to support@XXXXXXm.

If you came here to buy or sell Bitcoin, we would like to recommend BitPanda instead.

Legal Information
Preuve de paiement éditée par CoinRichz4u
5 ans
Montant perçu : 21$
I find the withdraw fee a little high. Particularly when withdrawing lower amounts, but they are pretty quick are trusted. Very nice site and I look forward to using them more.
Congratulations! .
5 ans
Preuve de paiement éditée par DroopyCee
5 ans
Montant perçu : 67$
Awesome! I think this site sells crypto coins for some sort of simulation game where people have a 2nd life like really it was freaking me out. This one dude is like a DJ at Pirate Atol and he promotes his shows and stuff. I think that it is like a thing you profit from in the 2nd life in came currency. People sell services...or DJ and through a Rave.lIKE A 2nd life EDC and this DJ guy well he is a DJ in his 2nd life game. In fact, he is such a good 2nd life DJ he supports his 1st life with it and spends his time preparing for his 2nd life set?!?!

Anyways, I spent some time a little paused by the idea that people are starting 2nd lives, paying rent and working but for sure making enough to support their real life too. It is actually interesting. I was wondering if I could be like a 2nd life drug dealer go all Scarface in the end, but hey that would be fine. Now I can stop playing and the world is mine!!

"You wanna #$%@% with me!! Huuuh?! Come and get Me!!! I am Tony 2Life Montana!"

Okay lol, really what is cool about this place is you can buy these peoples in-game currency with your PayPal. Then you can trade that in-game currency for bitcoins and then you can deposit that bitcoin to wherever you want and the fees for doing so are really not that bad. If you played it right you could profit off the exchange. This is why I like this place it is a way to go form your PayPal dollars and end up with BTC you can send anywhere. I do not know of a lot of places that do that and yes you can trust this place to send your BTC to you.

Plus if you come up with a good business plan that failed you here you can try to make it work with this currency in the 2nd life game. Where you earn so much at what you do it can become your 1st life and what you do. Then when people ask what you do for a living you can smile and say well in my 2nd life I am a famous DJ. Oh uh yeah, I just finished my set. I spun from 2 pm to 2:30 bro. What no I had to go early because I could not miss my 2nd life show for a normal day like this. Dude I make 600 dollars of my 2nd life show and get this.. the stage, the lights and my equipment plus the staff to set it up was only $300 in game coins so for sure. I make $300 of a fake 2nd life Rave. I sleep there too. Really uhhh this is sorta my 2nd life now. I am better at the game... and that is SO WIERD TO ME YALL. I saw this and was like OMG. People got on here and couldn't stop becuse they were so good at it the looked at their real life and had to quite. Cuz well 2nd life... they are better at it. I was thinking about like just peeking then decided it was a digital cult and ran. Now that I have this Tony Montana plan I am thinking I may try it out. I am going to show up in 2nd life and get everyone hooked. I hope that is not illegal to do. Heck, I am going to rob some people too. It is sick sorta but hey have you ever plaied minecraft. I am going to show up in win!!! But I want to be a bad guy in my 2nd life. All like sorry bro it was looking good but I burnt down your business and got your wife on crack. Dude, she is out of game currency wake the heck up. She is mine now unless you go back into the real world so you can get more in-game currency. Until then hehe your 2nd life wife well she is hooked on me. Cuz secret... This stuff is not even illegal to sell and I make it for free, but uhh if YOU want some I need your game currency bro.

Anyway I turned $70 dollars of Paypal into $67 of BTC and think I may have decided to start a 2nd life where I ruin lives for profit but that would be fine. It is just a game. Really though, it would be evil on a level people do not know. I just need to find a "drug" that people can get digitally hooked too. Then give it to all the 2nd life women 4 free. Then once all the 2nd life men are lonely I will be like sure I can hook that up , for $100 bucks. No $100 real dollars worth of in game currency. I think you may have to go out there and earn it, then bring it back in to me. Hurry though bro. I think she misses you I will watch her for you though. You don't want to lose your second life girlfriend do you?? Its just $100 you can get that fast. So hurry back... we are waiting on you. You wouldn't want your 2nd life to go bad! Don;t throw this all away!!!
6 ans
VirWox turn to legit status.

Reason : Some proof of payment
6 ans
VirWox turn to promising status.

Reason : Some proof of payment
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