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favicon Blockchain.com blockchain.info
Blockchain Info est un des plus populaires portefeuille de bitcoin en ligne avec Coinbase.
En plus d'être un service simple d'utilisation, Blockchain Info possède plusieurs options :

- La possibilité de créé plusieurs Wallet et de les archiver
- Une gestion des adresses pour chaque Wallet créé et pouvoir importer de nouvelles adresses
- Partager sa clé publique pour chaque Wallet
- Une gestion des frais d'envois

Et des options de sécurité :

- Possibilité de restauré son portefeuille avec une phrase de récupération
- L'authentification à deux facteurs
- Bloquer les adresses IP du Tor
- Possibilité de rajouter un deuxième mot de passe
- Des options avancées avec la liste blanche, l'enregistrement des activités dans un flux, une extension de mot de passe (PBKDF2) et un accès API.

Mais avant d'être un portefeuille de Bitcoin en ligne, Blockchain Info est un explorateur de la Blockchain du Bitcoin. Vous pouvez aussi voir des statistiques sur le Bitcoin et sa valeur en temps réelle.

Pour créer un portefeuille, il suffit de rentrer un e-mail valide et un mot de passe. Sur votre boite mail, vous recevrez le lien d'accès de votre portefeuille ainsi que votre identifiant.
Blockchain Info Wallet est disponible sur navigateur, mais aussi sur iOS et Android (pour cela, il suffit de télécharger l'application et de rentrer le code de jumelage présent dans les paramètre du portefeuille dans « information personnel »).
Coins supportéesBTC, BCH, ETH, XLM
Anonymat Anonymat élevé
Qui contrôle vos clés privées ? Vous contrôlez vos clés privées
Solutions de paiementBitcoin
Suivi depuis2871 jours
Paiements déclarés sur NBR   0,00 €
Pays acceptés Tous
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prometteur Quelques témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
nouveauté Statut attribué par défaut
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  • Statut actuel de Blockchain.com
Raison du statut actuellement assigné par netbusinessrating depuis le 26/11/2019 à 09h39
Les commentaires utilisateurs sont négatifs
Historique du statut
  • 2016-09-30 10:38:40
  • Site d'autorité.
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23 Avis sur 32 commentaires
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7 mois

Have you been scammed of your money by fake brokers promising you returns on your investment and ended up not fulfilling their many promises? Well I was a victim of such an ugly situation, I invested $150,000 in a particular crypto broker that promised me 50% of my investment weekly, It was such a tempting offer and like anyone else I invested in it, and after a week from the day I invested I contacted the broker for my profits and I received no reply, at first I kept my cool but after so many attempts to contact them I lost it, I was so devastated and broken...For weeks I wasn't myself and it had begun to tell on me until I read an online article on how someone like me was able to recover his funds from scammers. I read it carefully and closely and saw the email of the hacker who helped him recover his money from hackers. I contacted the hacker and explained everything to him, and we discussed everything I wasn't going to make a payment because I wasn't sure of the hacker but he proved his authenticity and helped me recover my money...I was so happy, I never felt happiness like that in my life before...all thanks to Eric Nelson for a job well done, If you find yourself in a situation like mine contact him at getbackyourasset(@)gmail. com.

7 mois
Have you been scammed of your money by fake brokers promising you returns on your investment and ended up not fulfilling their many promises? Well I was a victim of such an ugly situation, I invested $150,000 in a particular crypto broker that promised me 50% of my investment weekly, It was such a tempting offer and like anyone else I invested in it, and after a week from the day I invested I contacted the broker for my profits and I received no reply, at first I kept my cool but after so many attempts to contact them I lost it, I was so devastated and broken...For weeks I wasn't myself and it had begun to tell on me until I read an online article on how someone like me was able to recover his funds from scammers. I read it carefully and closely and saw the email of the hacker who helped him recover his money from hackers. I contacted the hacker and explained everything to him, and we discussed everything I wasn't going to make a payment because I wasn't sure of the hacker but he proved his authenticity and helped me recover my money...I was so happy, I never felt happiness like that in my life before...all thanks to Eric Nelson for a job well done, If you find yourself in a situation like mine contact him at getbackyourasset (@) gmail. com.

9 mois

Months ago, a fellow approached me on Instagram, Introducing me to some type of investing, Although I have heard of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ripple, and a few others, I basically don't know how it works, I was somewhat convinced by this fellow to invest in their trading platform, after giving it a thought, I decided to invest in this trading platform, I invested about $20,000 during the first month of my Investment, My profit soars high to about $50,000 and I decided to withdraw my funds, hoping I can re-invest with my profits. I was unable to withdraw and was asked to make deposits after deposits for me to withdraw. I figured out it was a scam and decided to get my funds back, It wasn't an easy task, I was defrauded by some recovery companies too, I was on the verge of giving up when I decided to give my luck one more shot, I reached out to one of the emails I had seen online of an expert in funds recovery, I emailed Eric Nelson, an expert recovery hacker and he was absolutely helpful,
with the help of Eric Nelson, I was able to recover all my invested funds from the trading platform and my profits included. Contact them at getbackyourasset @ gmail . com if you are faced with the same situation.
Preuve de paiement éditée par ethan455
9 mois
Montant perçu : 1500

I have always doubted crypto recovery, always thought it was a fluke and never real. I lost $100,000 to scammers who managed to convince me to invest using their fake broker when my profit was due, I couldn't withdraw. I tried contacting them but to no avail. A month later, I read an online article about a recovery hacker, well I had nothing to lose so I contacted him and gave him the necessary information he needed to carry out the job. To my surprise, he contacted me a week later with good news, my stolen funds were recovered. I was so elated, crypto recovery is real, contact Eric Nelson at getbackyourasset @ gmail . com for all crypto recovery issues.
1 an
Contact Bestcryptohacker at gmail c0m to recover your stolen bitcoins and USDT with ease if you’ve lost them to online theft. This team of expert is the real deal
7 ans
Blockchain Info turn to legit status.

Reason : Big authority wallet.
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