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WINMASTERS est le sponsor officiel de l'équipe d'Apoel en Roumanie.
Winmasters est accessible à certains pays de l'Europe de l'est mais est également accessible à plusieurs autres pays à travers le monde. Penser à vérifier si votre pays est accepté avant de vous inscrire.
Winmasters offre 100% de bonus pouvant aller jusqu'à 350 euros pour les nouveaux inscrit au casino et 50% de bonus pouvant aller jusqu'à 50 euros pour les nouveaux inscrit aux autres évènements sportifs dont le football, le basketball, le handball etc... .
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6 ans
Scam site dont deposit any money there

My history begins a few weeks ago. On 13.05 I received a bonus on site Winmasters.com 100% to 200zl (Polish currency) I deposited 198 zlotych got 198 bonus. I got 396 zlotych in balance. I started betting on 13.05, making few bets, got really lucky, done the rollover in 1 days, below I attached my betting history, rollover of the deposit and bonus was x7(something about 2800zl).
Betting history after I got bonus:

Why then bets with 198/197zloty ?? I was betting according to sick T&C:
?The player is not allowed to place stakes higher than his initial deposit until he complete the rollover required. E.g. if the player has made a deposit of 50 EUR and received a bonus of 50 EUR, he has to place bets (according to the bonus minimum odd requirements) that are equal or smaller to his initial 50 EUR deposit before placing higher stakes. In the case of breach of this rule, bonus and relative winnings will be retracted.?
Confirmation of doing the rollover:

On Sunday 14.05 i requested my first withdraw:

The amount of 3000zl(something like 750euro), and left on my account some smaller amount to keep playing on the site, they wanted the standard ID verification, address verification and method of deposit verification. I give them everything
But then my first withdraw was cancelled, i was told because of KYC verification. The KYC verification took me few days. I was assured I past the KYC verification

Meanwhile, I got quite lucky and increase my sportsbook balance to something like 16000zl (4000euro). Then i requested a new withdraw, with bigger amount. And this is the moment when problems start ? On 19/20.05 I received an email that I will not receive the money because I breach their T&C,
"We would like to inform you that you have violated the terms and conditions of the bonus, art.12.25 stipulating that: 12.25 The player is not allowed to place stakes higher than his initial deposit until he complete the rollover required. E.g. if the player has made a deposit of 50 EUR and received a bonus of 50 EUR, he has to place bets (according to the bonus minimum odd requirements) that are equal or smaller to his initial 50 EUR deposit before placing higher stakes. In the case of breach of this rule, bonus and relative winnings will be retracted.

If you follow my post precisely, you can see with your own eyes that I made the rollover on 14.05, confirmation one more time:

They didn?t listen, didn?t want to withdraw my winning, always same thing, you have violated our terms and conditions.
I read their whole T&C and I 1000% sure I didn?t breach their T&C. I didn?t give up this kind of money without a fight. First I tried to reach company steps to results this kind of issues, I wanted to speak with company Head of Customer Service. I always get same answer. After I make something like 5-10 emails per day to them I received answer.

Bonus abuse are you serious ??? Intentionally ?? Really ??

And I was like again: WTF, i breached intentionally T&C of the company, when for god sake ?? I made only 198/197zl bets, I got confirmation that I made the rollover on 14.05. And I got this ?? I didn?t give up I made contact with Curacao egaming (winmasters regulator on May 23), I described the whole situation, wrote them few emails. After 1-1.5 weeks I got respond:

Few days after I got an email from winmasters:
Dear xxx
George Dalianis just logged a message to a ticket in which you participate.

Dear Sirs,
we would like to confirm that we retracted the bonus amount and the winnings related to it, as user did breach the respective Terms and Conditions.
Please have a look at player's real betting history as displayed on the screenshots attached as player omitted to include bets that breached the respective bonus T&C's.
Please note that player intentionally excluded all bets (highlighted ones) on which he has placed stakes higher than the amount deposited in order to receive the bonus.

They showed the bets which I made ? AFTER rollover. This company are thieves and liars, stay away from them. Scam site which didnt pay your winnings
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