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Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum (ETH)

favicon Ethereum (ETH) ethereum.org
Ethereum (ETH) est la seconde cryptomonnaie la plus capitalisé au monde après le Bitcoin. La Blockchain Ethereum a pour particularité de pouvoir créé directement implantés dans les blocs des Smart Contrats, un programme écrit en Solidity qui permette de faire des tâches complète comme créé une monnaie spécifique à un programme appeler token (Comme DAO ou REP), mais la monnaie principale est l'Ether.

Lancé le 30 juillet 2015, l'Ethereum a été créé par le jeune suisse Vitalik Buterin et est géré par la société Ethereum Fondation. Avant son lancement, l'Ether avait déjà séduit les utilisateurs de cryptomonnaie car les présentes sont montées à plus de 16 millions de dollars, pour devenir la seconde cryptomonnaie la plus capitalisé.

Protocole : Ethash
Gain minage : 5 ETH/bloque + gaz
Temps de création de bloc : Environs 14 s/bloc (temps variable)
Réduction de gain ? Probable (Proof-of-Stake, prévu 2017)
Capitalisation > 10 000 M$
Prix du marché
Suivi depuis2764 jours
Pays acceptés Tous
Ils utilisent Ethereum (ETH)
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4 mois
Reach out to mr Jeff he had helped me a lot when it comes to trading as I ran into a lot of lost with different brokers. I lost more than £23,400 to two different brokers but I got all my lost fund recovered with the help of Mr Jeff Silbert and with his assistant and guidance I have been able to make good trade with him and it has been highly profitable to me. If there is anyone in need of an account manger who will show you how to best trade nd make formidable profit weekly using good and professional signals, Reach out to him on his Email Jeffsilbert 39 gmail com
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Be guided guys
1 an
Please take note that there is no withdrawal option. You must obtain their consent. My wallet was stolen by a con artist using a phishing scheme. The 1.08 BTC were taken. I was able to find my misplaced item by getting in touch with Lisa Eric so guys be guided. And I will as well appreciate Lisa Eric for his great assistance as well her effort really helped me a long easy. You can get in touch with Lisa on WhatsApp +84 94 767 1524. He was assigned by the company as my recovery guidance. And I finally got my funds recovered after few day of seeking help from this company which was 9/11/2022. You can as well mail him privately
Email (. Lisa.Eric at proton. me .)
Whatsapp +84 94 767 1524.
1 an
Get in touch with Aaron gabriel if you want to recover your scammed funds or get some legal counsel on how to go about it. I lost more than 4.09 BTC to an online investment scam. I was promised to be getting 25% of my investment every month and I fell for it but Aarongabriel310@gmail. com helped. He is the best and most legit team out there. I saw the reviews and reached out, got back all my funds with ROI. Superb I must say! You can Whatsapp Aaron via +1 314 649-8612.
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