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favicon AirDrips digitalartistsonline.com
DigitalArtist est un site conçu par les créateurs de BitcoinAliens. Pour vous loguer, vous devez possédez un compte Facebook. C'est la seule méthode de connexion.

Il y a 6 faucets:
1) Dalien Games avec un maximum de 540 satoshis tous les 10 minutes
2) Tuber TV avec un maximum de 720 satoshis tous les 10 minutes
3) A Bit of News avec un maximum de 160 satoshis tous les 5 minutes
4) Blockchain Stats avec un maximum de 700 satoshis tous les 5 minutes
5) Paid Books avec un maximum de 150 satoshis tous les 5 minutes
6) Game of Weight Loss avec un maximum de 170 satoshis tous les 5 minutes.

Pour les 6 faucets, vous devez cliquer sur leur lien internet dans la colonne action. Ensuite vous êtes redirigé vers le site des un des 6 faucets. Allez dans l'icone de Digital Artists Online sur la page de leur commanditaire. Remplissez le Captcha et voilà vous gagnez vos satoshis.
Note: pour Tubers TV et Paid Book, vous devez cliquer sur un vidéo ou un livre avant d'avoir accès à l'icône de Digital Artists

- Digital Artists dispose aussi d'un Wall pour gagner d'autres satoshis comme par exemple en visionnant des vidéos avec Engageme.TV

Le système de filleuls vous permet de gagnez 25 % des gains de vos filleuls

Les paiements se font uniquement sur Coinbase pour le moment (avec votre adresse e-mail de Coinbase et non l'adresse de votre porfeuille Bitcoin), mais il compte mettre des paiements avec une wallet address.

Pour le dépôt, vous devez réclamer vos gains avant le lundi et le confirmer via votre adresse e-mail de facebook (regardez dans vos messages indésirables, ils s'y trouvent souvent)

Bon gain !
Crypto-monnaie à gagnerBCH
Solutions de paiementCoinbase
Suivi depuis2553 jours
Paiements déclarés sur NBR   4,41 €
Pays acceptés Tous
Règles d'évolution des statuts
Au nombre de six, les statuts sont le reflet de la confiance que nous accordons à la fiabilité de paiement d'un site rémunérateur. Cette notation dépend des témoignages de paiements signalés sur par les membres ainsi que de l'avis éclairé des administrateurs et modérateurs.

sérieux Nombreux témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
prometteur Quelques témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
nouveauté Statut attribué par défaut
douteux Doutes sur la fiabilité de paiement
arnaque Ne paye pas ou va bientôt cesser de payer
fermé Site inactif ou disparu

En savoir plus

  • Statut actuel de AirDrips
Raison du statut actuellement assigné par netbusinessrating depuis le 02/05/2020 à 15h21
Site fermé
Historique du statut
  • 2018-11-04 23:00:14
  • Plusieurs preuves ou témoignages de paiements signalés
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12 Avis sur 23 commentaires
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3 ans
AirDrips turns to closed status.

Reason : Closed website
4 ans
first payment scam and now I can't login
5 ans
I'd like to give my opinion but i can't access the the site i try to register with facebook but the popup comes in but doesn't load then when i try to login it does the samething.
PY avatar
5 ans
AirDrips turns to promising status.

Reason : Some proof of payment
Preuve de paiement éditée par DroopyCee
5 ans
Montant perçu : 3.53$
AirDrips is an awesome faucet that somehow has been overlooked by the users of NBR. It is one of the higher paying faucets I have ever used. I have been using this faucet on and off since they gave their first payouts which are scheduled Wednesday.

Payouts get deposited straight to a Coinbase BitcoinCash Wallet. It is important to note that if any other wallet is attempted to be used you withdraw will not be processed and if you request your funds on a Thursday you will not get them until that next Wednesday. The minimum payout is 106000 BCH satoshi but is easy to reach just from the faucets. AirDrips also offers browser mining and an offers wall to earn BCH.

There are 6 websites in total that all have AirDrips faucets that can be collected every 5 - 10 mins depending on the site. Faucet collectors must browse past the homepage of each website to find the AirDrips faucets.

I like to get all the websites on pages that display the faucets then bookmark them to an AirDrips only bookmark folder. This way I can open all the websites straight to faucet collection ready pages with one click by right-clicking the bookmark folder and selecting "open pages in a new window".

Each faucet pays out a random varying amount of BCH sometimes you get a few hundred BCH satoshis sometimes you can get as much as 95,400 BCH satoshis from one site's collection. That is over a $0.50 faucet click even at Nov 2018's low $556.65/BCH price. Collections of thousands of satoshis are common. Plus the sites on Airdrips all have high-quality content and are well worth spending some time on. I often find myself browsing, watching a video, reading from a book or playing a game the whole time I wait for my next collection to become available.

These faucets can afford to pay well as the collections are paid by each individual site instead of one person paying you out you have six, but all to one place so you can withdraw sooner.

I have received 3 payouts that did not take much effort to accumulate that paid me a cumulative $3.53 worth of BitcoinCash to my Coinbase Wallet. Proof of payments is attached.

I highly recommend AirDrips to any faucet collector. The payout is substantial. I think a few bad reviews when AirDrips had troubles processing their VERY FIRST payouts made this gem be overlooked so look back over here at AirDrips and give their faucets a try.

AirDrips has never been late with a payment since fixing the bugs in the first round of withdrawals which they made right. I put AirDrips right up there with the top-rated faucets. People just need to try it out and they will be glad they did.

Also, I forgot to mention you have the OPTION to use your PC to mine and get paid in bitcoin cash. Mining is allowed from as many devices as you want to get your hash rate up sky high use every PC in your home. Really if you want to you can mine from every smartphone inside your home. There is no limit to the amount of mining that you can do. So why not get the PC that is just being lazy all dang day to mine you some BCH while you are away. | Edit. : 10/11/2018 14:45:42
Preuve de paiement éditée par deviousme
6 ans
Montant perçu : 1.06€

[ MOD : commentaire édité par theplayeur9 | 01/03/2018 à 07h51 | ]

0.00106959 BCH

6 ans
They don't pay,the site is a scam. I tryed 2 times,first time they told in facebook:"We won't be paying out today as BTC network fees are very high.
Note that we are looking for a permanent solution to solve this problem. Thank you for being patient and for understanding". after that I loos my satoshi.
Now they changed criptocurrency in Bitcoin Cash, I tryed again and I had the same esperience of SOUNDSNIMA. So they are scam!!. Big attention they are changing name in Air Drips.
6 ans
BEWARE EVERYONE!!!!!!! this website is a scammer. don't waste your time on this fraud. i lost 2weeks and only 38K satoshi in here after 2 weeks. they made my account to zero balance just before the cash out date while i had arranged it few days before and it was set. after i contacted them here they say i used vpn or automated claim service. the question is how all these only made me 38K YOU DUMB????? and how that 21k you had agreed to cash out sissapeared? last proof is they blocked me from sending messages or reply. SO BWARENOT TO LOSE TIME AND MONEY WITH THEM
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