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Acquisition International Announce the Winners of the 2018 Business Excellence Awards.

Cubaaz.io winner of the "Best ICO 2018" award!
- https://www.acq-intl.com/2018-first-real-transac-holding-sa

United Kingdom, 2018 ? Acquisition International Magazine have announced the winners of the 2018 Business Excellence Awards.
In these times of financial and economic upheaval, the business environment can be more uncertain than ever. From global issues of an increasingly erratic climate, to political instability and data security questions, enterprises are facing challenges, new and old. With our programme, we provide an overview of the very best of the best, who have worked hard to achieve phenomenal success for their clients.

Discussing the awards, Laura Hunter, Coordinator comments on the success of their deserving winners: ?These awards rewards and recognise the hard work undertaken by businesses of all sizes from across the corporate landscape. Congratulations and best of luck for the future to all of my winners, I am extremely proud of your success.?

Acquisition International prides itself on the validity of its awards and winners. The awards are given solely on merit and are awarded to commend those most deserving for their ingenuity and hard work, distinguishing them from their competitors and proving them worthy of recognition.

To learn more about our award winners and to gain insight into the working practices of the ?best of the best?, please visit the Acquisition International website (http://www.acq-intl.com) where you can access the winners supplement.


About Acquisition International Magazine
Acquisition International is a monthly magazine brought to you by AI Global Media Ltd, a publishing house that has reinvigorated corporate finance news and reporting. Its topical news articles make it a valued read, and this readability ensures that advertisers will benefit greatly from their investment.
AI works alongside leading industry analysts to ensure we publish the most up-to-date figures and analysis.
The magazine has a global circulation, which brings together all parties involved in deal making and, in an increasingly global deal market, we are uniquely positioned to reach the deal makers that matter.
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