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AVERTISSEMENTLe statut NBR note uniquement la fonction PTC. Nous déconseillons l'utilisation d'autres fonctions présentes sur de nombreux PTC comme la location de filleuls (RR) ou l'achat d'adpacks qui ne sont que des arnaques.

Le but : acheter des filleuls pour vos sites (1200 systèmes supportés).
Pour gagner des crédits, il faut :
- cliquer sur des liens (voir une page 15 secondes),
- s'inscrire sur des systèmes auxquels vous n'êtes pas abonnés et respecter le minimum nécessaire,
- parrainage (2 crédits par filleul).
Parrainage : 5 niveaux à 10%, 10%, 10%, 10%, 10% !
Attention : pour 2 inscriptions non validées, bloqué pour 7 jours sans possibilité de s'inscrire à de nouveaux systèmes ou d'acheter des filleuls.
L'achat de filleuls se fait avec les crédits gagnés (ou payer pour acheter des crédits).
Pour pouvoir acheter des filleuls sur un système, il faut s'être d'abord inscrit sur un nouveau système : règles de partage.
Seuil de paiement0.10
Nombre de membresentre 100 et 1 000
Taux de parrainage moyen0%
Délai de paiement
Gain par clic0
Nombre de clics disponibles par jour 0
Solutions de paiementPaypal
Suivi depuis4918 jours
Paiements déclarés sur NBR   0,00 €
Pays acceptés Tous
Règles d'évolution des statuts
Au nombre de six, les statuts sont le reflet de la confiance que nous accordons à la fiabilité de paiement d'un site rémunérateur. Cette notation dépend des témoignages de paiements signalés sur par les membres ainsi que de l'avis éclairé des administrateurs et modérateurs.

sérieux Nombreux témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
prometteur Quelques témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
nouveauté Statut attribué par défaut
douteux Doutes sur la fiabilité de paiement
arnaque Ne paye pas ou va bientôt cesser de payer
fermé Site inactif ou disparu

Règles spécifiques pour qu'un PTC puisse être classé comme sérieux :
  1. Avoir au moins une année d'existence.
  2. Utiliser son propre script ou un script avec une licence.
  3. Ne pas proposer de bonus aux membres pour qu'ils déposent de l'argent (pour ne pas être assimilé à un ponzi).
  4. Ne pas payer les membres pour qu'ils postent des commentaires (leur demander est autorisé mais pas de les payer).

En savoir plus

  • Statut actuel de GetRef
Raison du statut actuellement assigné par netbusinessrating depuis le 17/03/2019 à 13h37
Ne paye pas : arnaque
Historique du statut
  • 2018-11-04 22:59:02
  • Les commentaires utilisateurs sont négatifs
Comment gagner de l'argent en ligneComment gagner de l'argent en ligne
La plus grande base de données du web francophone pour savoir comment générer un complément de revenu grâce au web et éviter les arnaques.
Voir le dossier
Avis utilisateurs
7 Avis sur 10 commentaires
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5 ans
GetRef turns to scam status.

Reason : Not paying : scam
PY avatar
5 ans
GetRef turns to doubtful status.

Reason : User comments are negative
5 ans
I admit that I was naive, but I red so good reviews of the site that I also invested 5$. Than tricked 3 times one after the other and I managed to make only one real deal. My money is still in and nothing happens since weeks. I advice everyone to be careful with this site. What's more, the outlook and usability is amateur. Just two example: no message is sent to your mail box when you get one at GetRef; no explanation is given if your credits (for which you worked for according to the rules) are denied at the end. | Edit. : 03/11/2018 21:35:10 | Edit. : 03/11/2018 21:36:41
6 ans
I had to deny the credits dozens of times. There are too many people clever or better to say that you want to take advantage of the distraction of the sponsor and the Forcing of the Transaction after 72 hours. Or sign up without even doing 1 click or do not register at all!
6 ans
This site has made me get 7 referrals for the pto OJOOO in the last 2 months. A great result, do not you think?
6 ans
This is a site that works very simply: you earn credits through banner clicks and subscription to other online earning programs, credits that can then be used to buy referrals (registered at our "name") for The programs we think are most appropriate.
The effectiveness of the program is based on the statement of managers, which express a successful percentage of the above mechanism in over 90 per cent of cases (about 30,000)
In addition, by enrolling a user to the program in question, you get a free subscription to each program we are promoting on this same site.
Registration at GETREF is free and the minimum age for enrollment is 18 years.
The enrollment process is divided into two parts: the first one asks for our e-mail box and, when inserted, sends us the link for the second part of the registration.
The second is the inclusion of our personal data, including the address to which the payment of the accrued credit is sent.
Once logged in, the total of credits earned appears at the top left of the homepage.
There are also several sections with which the mechanism of operation of the site in question is developed.

EARN is a section that contains the categories of earning credits.
"Earn credits by joining a program" is the category in which you earn credits through our subscription to other earning programs on the internet.
Each entry is remunerated with a credit.
"Earn credits by clicking links" is the category where you earn credits by clicking the links inside it.
Each click has a variable value of between 0.001 and 0.03 credits and a 15-second credit time without the need to select any confirmation code for viewing the same link.
"Earn Credits by Referring Members to GetRef" is the category in which you earn credits, referring other people to this site.
This category contains the address to subscribe people to the site in question on our behalf and which are referred to as referrals.
The site pays us this activity with a percentage of earnings on their business, without taking anything away from their personal gain.
In this regard, we have both direct links and banners available.
The GETREF affiliate program is structured on 5 levels of referrals, and thus earns 10 percent of the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth referrals activity.

VIEW EARNED is a section that contains transitions present and past.
In practice here you can see our subscriptions to other internet earning programs and the credit received for them.
SPEND is a section that contains within it the ways to spend credits accumulated with our business through GETREF.
"Buy Referrals for your program" allows us to view the list of programs in which we can spend our credits.
In practice, buying a referral for the desired program has on GETREF a cost of 2 credits.
However, referrals can only be purchased for green-labeled programs.
"Buy exposures for your link" allows us to spend our credits through advertising on the site of our personal link.

The minimum spend is 0.001 for each click you want.
When completing GETREF's profile, there are other sections, which are reserved for the answers to the main questions (FAQs), site operation explanations (HOW TO), personal information (STATS) and the internal forum on the same site.

The benefits of this program are mainly encapsulated in its function of helping you get referrals through our activity on the same site.
The disadvantages, on the other hand, are represented by the large amount of activity required for obtaining referrals and the lack of availability of many internet gain programs.
The final comparison between the advantages and disadvantages ends with a total drawdown.
GETREF is yes a program that helps you to find referrals, but it is not as easy as it seems, it requires commitment and patience.
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