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Trust Dice

Trust Dice

favicon Trust Dice trustdice.win

AVERTISSEMENTLes jeux d'argent sont risqués et illégaux sans licence dans de nombreux pays, qu'ils utilisent des crypto-monnaies ou non, attention à ne pas devenir dépendant.

Crypto-monnaies à gagnerBTC, EOS, ETH
Solutions de paiementCryptocurrency Wallet
Suivi depuis1812 jours
Paiements déclarés sur NBR   3 374,92 €
Pays acceptés Tous
Règles d'évolution des statuts
Au nombre de six, les statuts sont le reflet de la confiance que nous accordons à la fiabilité de paiement d'un site rémunérateur. Cette notation dépend des témoignages de paiements signalés sur par les membres ainsi que de l'avis éclairé des administrateurs et modérateurs.

sérieux Nombreux témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
prometteur Quelques témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
nouveauté Statut attribué par défaut
douteux Doutes sur la fiabilité de paiement
arnaque Ne paye pas ou va bientôt cesser de payer
fermé Site inactif ou disparu

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  • Statut actuel de Trust Dice
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101 Avis sur 133 commentaires
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3 ans
I identified the issue and requested that life support close out an account that was made by mistake they refused and then they use it as an excuse to ban me and confiscate my winnings of 0.22189984 BTC due to have multiple accounts when the mistake account was never used never gambled and never deposited never received any bonus
Dear Mstingley13
On 12th, July, we have already sent an email to inform you that your deposit will be refunded on Monday (13th, July). And for now (13th, July), your deposit has been refunded to your BTC address. Please check it.
Our system has detected at least 3 duplicates to your account, so all your accounts have been banned. Because multi-accounts is strictly forbidden on our platform according to the terms & conditions (https://trustdice.win/terms). Please check the following terms:
''3. Your Member Account 3.1 In order for you to be able to place wagers using any of the Website, you must first register with Trustdice.win and open an account (?Member Account?). 3.2 You are allowed to have only one Member Account. Only one Account for each household, IP, PC is allowed. If you attempt to open more than one Member Account, all accounts you try to open may be blocked or closed and any bets may be voided. Also, any returns, deposits, winnings or bonuses which you have gained or accrued during such time as the Duplicate Account was active will be forfeited by you and may be reclaimed by us, and you will return to us on demand any such funds which have been withdrawn from the Duplicate Account. If you wish to open another account, you may do so by contacting our support team via the Live Chat. If a new account is opened, the old account will be closed. If you notice that you have more than one registered Member Account you must notify us immediately. Failure to do so may lead to your Member account being blocked for access. 3.3 You must enter all mandatory information requested into your settings form, including a valid e-mail address; if you do not enter a valid email address, we will be unable to help you recover any ?forgotten passwords?. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the information you provide is true, complete, and correct. 3.4 As part of the registration process You will have to choose Your username and password for Your login into the Website. It is Your sole and exclusive responsibility to ensure that Your login details are kept securely. You must not disclose Your login details to anyone. Trustdice.win is not responsible for any abuse or misuse of Your Member Account by third parties due to Your disclosure, whether intentional or accidental, whether active or passive, of your login details to any third party. 3.5 Trustdice.win reserves the right to refuse to register an Account or close Your Account. However, all virtual funds within Your Account will be returned and any contractual obligations made prior to deactivation of an account will be honored.? If you have other questions, you can contact our security team directly by email: info@XXXXXXn. | Edit. : 14/07/2020 11:19:19
3 ans
It is pretty lame that they were not willing to work with you on that. I wonder how long they would have let you keep making deposits had you been losing instead? They made some changes to the affiliate program that I was not impressed with. You used to get a percentage of every bet that a referral made win or lose in the crypto they were playing with. Now you get a percentage of whatever they lose, and if they win it makes your affiliate earnings negative until people losing zeros it back out before you can earn anything. I don't like that much but in all fairness if Trustdice wins big as the affiliate you can actually win bigger then them. I feel like I lost a lot of affiliate earnings when they made the switch as I was in jail for a year and did not collect on the old system for a long time. All and all though Trustdice has done me okay. They have a transparent affiliate system in place that while hiding the ID of your referrals allows you to see their earnings on each game. People do win here. While I don't know that I would call Tustdice "nice", but they are fair and act as agreed upon in the terms and conditions when you sign-up. Which I guess is good, as it is Trustdice not Nicedice.
3 ans
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