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Aigopay XGP

Aigopay XGP

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Aigopay- Make Un transfert de paiement de valeur évolutive, des transactions sécurisées et à faible coût pour chaque blockchain.

Prix / Jeton: 0.02 $
Type de jeton: ERC20
Jetons: 100
Est. valeur: 20 $
Renvoi: 50 XGP
Offre totale: 200 000 000

Étapes pour réclamer Airdrop:

- Entamez une discussion avec Aigopay Telegram Bot en utilisant le lien ci-dessous.
- Rejoignez Aigopay Telegram Group et Telegram Channel.
- Suivez Aigopay sur Twitter et retweetez le tweet épinglé.
- Abonnez-vous à la chaîne Youtube Aigopay.
- Suivez Aigopay sur Medium.
- Soumettez vos informations au bot Airdrop.

- Vous recevrez 1000 jetons XGP.
- De plus, gagnez 50 XGP pour chaque référence.
Nom du tokenXGP
Nombre de tokens offerts1000
Valeur estimée en dollar20$
Date de début2019-09-27
Date de fin2019-12-20
Suivi depuis1675 jours
Pays acceptés Tous
Comment gagner de l'argent en ligneComment gagner de l'argent en ligne
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4 ans
XGP update:

Dear Aigopay Community,

XGP will list on BitSG ? Singapore Exchange first of the world on 10th October. Details are as follows:

XGP/ETH trading pair will be open at 11:00 SGT, go to trade!

10th October
Deposit will be available from 11:00 SGT
Withdrawl will be available from 11:00 SGT

[Activity 1] XGP Purchase Activity for MarketMaker (Max.100 Participant)

How to Purchase? Details

Activity time: 10/05 11:00 ? 09/09 11:00 (SGT)

Activity objects: all community of Aigopay

Event Content: During the event, the top 10 XGP net purchases will receive a total of 150,000 XGP prizes.

Activity Award: 150,000 XGP

1 ? 25,000 XGP
2 ? 22,000 XGP
3 ? 20,000 XGP
4 ? 17,000 XGP
5 ? 15,000 XGP
6 ? 14,000 XGP
7 ? 12,000 XGP
8 ? 10,000 XGP
9 ? 9,000 XGP
10 ? 7,000 XGP

Net Purchases = total purchases ? Total Sales ? Total withdrawals
During the activity, the minimum net purchase amount can reach 2000 XGP or more before the prize is awarded.
Event results and awards will be released and distributed within 7 working days after the event ends.
The contents of the event, the date the award is announced to the public, the date of issue of prizes and prizes can be changed because of the exchange situation. The final interpretation right of the event belongs to Aigopay.
During the event, if there is dangerous brushing behavior, qualifications will be canceled.
[Activity 2] XGP Invites Friends? Activities (Max. 2k Participant)

Activity time: 10/1 11:00 ? 09/09 11:00 (SGT)

Activity objects: all community of aigopay

Activity Content: During the event, we invite aigopay community to join BitSG using our official refferal link. These are the terms and conditions of BitSG. Every user who registers using our referral link gets 2,000 XGP for free.

Reward Pool Activity: 4,000,000 XGP

Aigopay Refferal Link : Here


During the event, users must use a referral link from Aigopay to get prize.
When someone participates in an activity using multiple accounts, only one authentic name authentication account can be rewarded.
Event results and awards will be released and distributed within 3 working days after the event ends.
The contents of the event, the date the award is announced to the public, the date of issue of prizes and prizes can be changed because of the exchange situation. The final interpretation right of the event belongs to Aigopay
Risk warning: cryptocurrency investment is subject to high market risk. Please make your investments cautiously.

Aigopay Global Operation Team

1st October 2019

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Telegram : ......................

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/aigopayment

Twitter : https://twitter.com/aigopay

Medium : https://medium.com/aigopayment

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/aigopay | Edit. : 01/10/2019 9:34:40
4 ans
for any problem in 'Medium' task, use N/A on 'Medium' username!
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