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BitCoin Walls

BitCoin Walls

favicon BitCoin Walls bitcoinwalls.com
50% des affiliés partagent, revendiquent et affichent vos liens de parrainage, partagez-les avec vos amis et en ligne et obtenez 50% de ce qu'ils obtiennent. clair et simple. Vous gagnez et recevez de l'argent lorsque vous réclamez des bitcoins et parrainez des demandeurs de bitcoins.

Cette exclusivité pour le robinet Bitcoin récompense 2 satoshis supplémentaires pour la réalisation de raccourcisseur d'URL en tant que lien antibot. Récompense de 2 à 5 satohis toutes les 8 minutes de réclamation avec 20 limites de réclamation par jour par véritable adresse IP.

L'utilisation de tor, vpn, proxy ou de tout outil d'anonymat est interdite car tous les annonceurs ont besoin de l'adresse IP réelle d'une personne réelle qui surfe dessus pour obtenir des récompenses.

Le propriétaire est communicatif sous forme de chats: chat personnel ou public / de groupe, web push, support client. Le support client en place est zendesk, freshdesk, email, tawk.to chat et / ou ticket d'incident.

Le propriétaire est très sympathique depuis qu'il a commencé cela de son coeur et est un chrétien croyant depuis.

L'administrateur est également le propriétaire et le support client de l'ensemble du site Web. Écoute t...
Crypto-monnaie à gagnerBTC
Solutions de paiementCryptocurrency Wallet, cedsonhub.site
Suivi depuis1610 jours
Paiements déclarés sur NBR   4,41 €
Pays acceptés Tous
Règles d'évolution des statuts
Au nombre de six, les statuts sont le reflet de la confiance que nous accordons à la fiabilité de paiement d'un site rémunérateur. Cette notation dépend des témoignages de paiements signalés sur par les membres ainsi que de l'avis éclairé des administrateurs et modérateurs.

sérieux Nombreux témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
prometteur Quelques témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
nouveauté Statut attribué par défaut
douteux Doutes sur la fiabilité de paiement
arnaque Ne paye pas ou va bientôt cesser de payer
fermé Site inactif ou disparu

En savoir plus

  • Statut actuel de BitCoin Walls
Raison du statut actuellement assigné par netbusinessrating depuis le 12/08/2021 à 22h12
Site fermé
Historique du statut
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2 Avis sur 55 commentaires
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2 ans
BitCoin Walls turns to closed status.

Reason : Closed website
Preuve de paiement éditée par weblord
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Montant perçu : 0.44$
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. April 6, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
Good site!
1 · 4 ans
Preuve de paiement éditée par weblord
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Montant perçu : 0.24$
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. April 5, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
Preuve de paiement éditée par weblord
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Montant perçu : 0.24$
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. April 4, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
Congrats on your payment brother
1 · 4 ans
Answer my questions from inbox.
4 ans
Preuve de paiement éditée par weblord
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Montant perçu : 0.36$
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. April 3, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
Preuve de paiement éditée par weblord
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Montant perçu : 0.36$
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. April 2, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
Preuve de paiement éditée par weblord
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Montant perçu : 0.36$
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. April 1, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
Preuve de paiement éditée par weblord
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Montant perçu : 0.36$
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. March 31, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
Preuve de paiement éditée par weblord
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Montant perçu : 0.48$
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. March 30, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
Preuve de paiement éditée par weblord
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Montant perçu : 0.48$
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. March 29, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
Preuve de paiement éditée par weblord
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Montant perçu : 0.24$
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. March 28, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
Preuve de paiement éditée par weblord
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Montant perçu : 0.48$
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. March 27, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
Preuve de paiement éditée par weblord
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Montant perçu : 0.6$
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. March 26, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. March 25, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. March 24, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. March 23, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. March 22, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.

bitcoinwalls.com is unstoppable paying machine, even on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, even on lockdowns brought about by this corona virus. it's unstoppable paying machine, reliable and legit. no break time, no lunch, no dinner, no day-offs whatsoever. PTL
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. March 21, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. March 20, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

no stop on payment even on corona virus lockdown, business as usual
no holidays, no Saturdays, no Sundays, no rest on payment
1000% legit
share your affiliate/referral links on the web and get 50% of what your referrals get.
BitCoin Walls  
4 ans
2 payouts for today:

Paid out these bitcoin faucet claimers. March 19, 2020 payments.

Even on Sundays, Saturdays and holidays we're paying. Come and do bitcoin claim from bitcoinwalls.com

50% affiliate share, claim and then it will show your affiliate link and share that to your friends and online and get 50% of what they get when they do bitcoin faucet claim.

we're still paying even in times of lockdown because of corona virus.

claim, chat and have fun.
get free sats every 8 minutes.
play games, accomplish offerwalls
and every time you share your referral/affiliate link you get 50% of what your referral gets.

second part
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