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favicon KillerFaucet killerfaucet.com
KillerFaucet.com est un nouveau faucet qui vous permet de gagner du DogeCoin avec paiement instantané sur votre portefeuille.

La valeur du Claim varie bien sur en fonction du cours actuel du DogeCoin.

Pour l'instant le site propose un Claim 0.5 DogeCoin toutes les 5 minutes.
En plus le site vous envois les gains directement dans votre portefeuille Faucethub sans seuil de paiement.

La commission sur vos filleuls est de 10%. Le site vous propose aussi d'autres faucets pour gagner plus.

Le site est édité en Anglais.
Les pubs gâchent un peu la navigation comme dans la plupart des faucets
Crypto-monnaie à gagnerBTC, BCH, BTX, BLK, DASH, Doge, ETH, LTC, PPC, POT, ZEC
Solutions de paiementFaucethub.io
Suivi depuis2228 jours
Paiements déclarés sur NBR   19,00 €
Pays acceptés Tous
Règles d'évolution des statuts
Au nombre de six, les statuts sont le reflet de la confiance que nous accordons à la fiabilité de paiement d'un site rémunérateur. Cette notation dépend des témoignages de paiements signalés sur par les membres ainsi que de l'avis éclairé des administrateurs et modérateurs.

sérieux Nombreux témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
prometteur Quelques témoignages de paiement signalés par plusieurs membres
nouveauté Statut attribué par défaut
douteux Doutes sur la fiabilité de paiement
arnaque Ne paye pas ou va bientôt cesser de payer
fermé Site inactif ou disparu

En savoir plus

  • Statut actuel de KillerFaucet
Raison du statut actuellement assigné par netbusinessrating depuis le 04/03/2020 à 17h48
Site fermé
Historique du statut
  • 2018-10-24 19:00:06
  • Plusieurs preuves ou témoignages de paiements signalés
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3 Avis sur 9 commentaires
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4 ans
KillerFaucet.com turns to closed status.

Reason : Closed website
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5 ans
KillerFaucet.com turn to promising status.

Reason : Some proof of payment
Preuve de paiement éditée par DroopyCee
5 ans
Montant perçu : 43 BTC, BCH, ETH, ZEC, POT, PPC. LTC, DASH, BLK, BTX
I ran the auto faucet on every coin for a few hours on a hotspot and got back all this on faucet hub. My balances were zero when I started. I suspect you would get better results not using a wireless network and using an actual fast internet service to do the auto-faucet collection as a few of the pages times out and did not mine. As you can see though after the initial input of the collection address the auto faucets work with no additional effort from you. Verdict. This is a legitimate fun way to get multiple cryptocurrencies deposited to your faucethub.io every 5mins by mining. It is a well-designed site with a cool look. The faucet rotators are neat too. The site designers will through in the ocassional tip such as ad networks that are good for getting referrals or promoting your own faucet with tips on how to make your own faucets. It is good advice from knowledgeable people trying to help you. It is not meant to interfere with your collection. It is there to help you be successful with faucets and cryptocurrencies if you are interested. This site was made by a pretty cool guy if I had to guess. Help them out by running the auto-faucets for a bit while going through the rotator and signing up for sites then post your proof of payment here. They deserve that for the efforts to help make everyone's faucet collections easy. Help them for helping you and offering up their knowladge for free. Reviews and proofs of payment are the best thank yous you can give to such sites. Good reviews make a world of difference. You have more power then you think so help out a cool site. Try them out and post what you think. It will take you way less time then it took them to make it for you.
Preuve de paiement éditée par DroopyCee
5 ans
Montant perçu : 20$
$20 that is a guess to the amount I have been paid out by the various faucets this connects you too. I don't have the picture proof as it is spread out over tons of faucets but this tool didn't really pay me out. The faucets it directed me to did. So really I am just giving it credit for the payouts it helps you receive.
KillerFaucet.com is an awesome tool to help you maximize your faucet collections in a neat organized manner. It is not really a just an auto faucet in itself. It is a faucet tool that rotates through the various faucet sites in a neat orderly fashion to help you hit all the good ones as fast and efficiently as possible. Allowing you to earn the maximum amount in as short of a time as possible.

It is a preorganized set of bookmarks in an easy to navigate format you could call it a rotator. It is a list of all the places you can collect the various cryptocurrencies for the following: Bitcoin Cash, BitCore, Blackcoin, Dash, DigiByte, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Peercoin, Potcoin, Primecoin, and Zcash. The also have an auto faucet for all the faucethub coins. You just leave the window open and it automatically collects the particular crypto you choose every 5 mins. It is pretty neat it goes straight to your faucet hub wallet.

You can do each rotator buy coin you just click the next button. They even offer up the best ad networks to promote your affiliate links on. So you can maximize your ad dollar when trying to get referrals with paid advertisements.

This is by far the most interesting and useful faucet collection tool I have seen. Just start clicking and signing up for all the faucets as they come up and eventually you will have them all and can collect super fast making faucets a real actually way to easily make some noticeable income.

It is well designed and just in general looks cool if you were to ask me. I don't know why everyone that collects from faucets doesn't just use this tool. I am sure there is features I am missing as I just clicked one button and was like WOW!! This is neat! Collect from thousands of faucets all in this one sport while you run your favorite auto faucets too. Perhaps on your phone. | Edit. : 12/09/2018 22:48:46
DroopyCee Try it out and leave a review too so we can get this useful tool up in the rankings for more people to take advantage of. I mean what can be bad about it. It makes life easy and it is a FREE service.
5 ans
Preuve de paiement éditée par cybermeez
5 ans
Montant perçu : 0.001 DogeCoin
This site has faucets for 10 different currencies (BCH, BTX, BLK, DASH, DOGE, ETH, LTC, PPC, POT and XPM). It has immediately paid every claim I've made to my FaucetHub account. The site also has links to over 1600 other faucets you can claim from, news, articles for those new to cryptocurrency, and a clear terms of service, privacy policy and info about the site's owner.
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