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Crystal Token

Crystal Token

favicon Crystal Token crystaltoken.co
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AVERTISSEMENTThe vast majority of ICO are only vulgar ponzi scheme scams

Crystal Token is a cryptocurrency token innovating the field of smart investments with the novel concept of Virtual Staking and different investment plans to satisfy the needs of all investors who desire a solid and constant passive income source.
They propose the novel concept of Virtual Staking, with a virtual meta-currency (VCYL) tied to ETH.
Moreover, they are working towards a real AI-driven trading bot and offer it as a service, so people will be able to use it on the platform with their exchange API keys.
Finally, they are responsive and strongly driven by community needs and suggestions.
Start Date2018-03-06
End Date2018-04-10
Raised Amount (in dollar) >5M
Category Trading & Investing
Monitored since2251 days
Accepted countries All
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