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Khan Academy

Khan Academy

favicon Khan Academy khanacademy.org
Khan Academy got me through some of my toughest engineering courses. If I had children I would start them at Khan Academy right away. They way this guy explains stuff. It is why I understand the world like I do. Sure, my professors were awesome. Khan Academy was there for every class though. I learned more and gained better understanding using this site then $100,000 can buy at a university. I know some stupid people that managed to graduate. You can learn more at Khan Academy in a day then some people take away from their college carrier,

Expensive paper = Diploma = The Biggest Scam Around

Anyone could watch Khan academy and if you studied it and understood it to the end, they pop out the other end well equipped to work for a company as an engineer. They would just need that piece of paper. Oh yeah, a degree, they really don't mean much.

Khan Academy has a way of explaining things that made that little light bulb in my head go off and say oh! Duh! Everything is easy if someone can explain it, so you understand. There is something about the use of different colored markers to represent the different parts of an equating that really can help you follow what parts of the equation effect the results as well as giving insight into just the general behavior as different parts of the equation change value. It takes a brain twister and lays it out as flat as possible. Really, this place is a massive part of ME. They taught me to think.

Memorization and regurgitation is a useless skill. Khan Academy understands how to tech comprehension and that is a VERY powerful thing.
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There is a college education for free with no degree
Free 24-7 Top-Notch Tutor
Learn it all No Degree
offers a certificate or other acknowledgment
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