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favicon VERSE verse.me
Verse is a new mobile bank whose app is installed on both Android and IOS, it allows us among other features, to transfer money at lightning speed to our friends contacts and other people, also create events, online prize pools etc ...
and all this, without any commission, without any cost, everything is free.

We also have the possibility to link our bank card "up to 3 bank cards" with the app to simplify payments and also link our bank accounts to the app "up to 3 accounts" to withdraw available money on the app. Transfers take on average between 2 and 3 working days.
in the coming times it is planned to develop a physical bank card.

at start-up we are authorized only to transfers of 500EUR limit per year, then thereafter 10 000EUR by providing an identity document.

for sponsorship, a 5EUR bonus is offered to the sponsored child and the sponsor as soon as a transfer of 20EUR has been
directed by the godson. However, sponsorship is limited to only 10 people.
All you have to do is invite our future godson via his phone number to offer him a
invitation via the app.

Good gains to all !!!
Bonus5 €
Minimum monthly deposit for free credit card0 €
Monthly banking fees0 €
Minimal monthly deposit0 €
First deposit20 €
Monitored since1523 days
Accepted countries All
Users Advice
4 Opinions on 5 comments
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2 years
Bonjour ! L'application propose aux ambassadeurs le programme de parrainage qui permet au filleul et au parrain de gagner 5€, si vous êtes intéressé, contactez-moi en privé ou alors sur discord: Spiflick#1893
Il faut être majeure car une vérification d'identité est requise
3 years
Bonjour, je vous propose de vous rémunérer 5€ via PayPal pour la création de votre compte en rentrant mon code.

Le système d'ambassadeur propose une rémunération de 5€ pour le filleul et pour le parrain.

Pour être éligible à l'offre, vous devez:

-être majeur (vérification d'identité)
-faire un transfert de 5€ (vous me faites le transfert puis quand l'offre s'active vous m'envoyer les 5€ de l'offre et je vous envoie 10€ via Paypal.

Si cela vous intéresse contactez-moi en messages privé
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