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favicon AIRTM airtm.com
Airtm is a peer to peer payment gateway platform. Senders and Receivers match with each other to exchange dollars in Airtm for local currency. With peer-to-peer there are less restrictions providing you with a free market rate and no cross-border transfer limits

Airtm peer-to-peer transactions are fast and safe. All Airtm dollars are held in escrow, while a professional mediation team stands by to ensure funds are released to the right party.

To add funds:
1. Go to Add/Withdraw and select the Add tab and your payment method.
2. Input the amount you would like to add to your Airtm balance, confirm payment method details and submit request.
3. Once a peer accepts your request, funds from your peer's Airtm balance are then held in escrow for you.
4. You will then transfer funds to your peer using your selected payment method.
5. Your peer will then confirm funds received, releasing escrowed funds to your Airtm balance completing the transaction.
Send money locally and globally
- Send and receive money anywhere, faster than a bank transfer.

To withdraw funds:
1. Go to Add/Withdraw and select the Withdraw tab and your payment method.
2. Input the amount you would like to withdraw from your Airtm balance, confirm payment method details and submit request.
3. Funds from your Airtm balance are then held in escrow for your peer.
4. Once matched, your peer will transfer funds to you using your selected payment method.
5. Once you receive, you will confirm funds received in Airtm releasing the escrowed funds to your peer's Airtm balance.
Receive payments for your online work
- Get paid from freelance platform payouts or directly from clients.

To send funds:
1. Go to Send/Request and select the Send tab.
2. Input the recipients email address, amount to send and note.
3. Once you confirm funds sent, funds will be sent from your Airtm balance to your recipient who will receive a notification

Referal Program÷

Invite someone with your invite link and earn $1 once your invite completes 4 add transactions (at least 5$) and is verified (invitee will also receive $1
Lower Fee
over 100s of payment methods available
Earn $1 per refer
It may take longer to trade on a peer-to-peer marketplace.
Average variable cost per transaction0.1%
Average fixed cost per transaction0.1 $
Languageenglish, spanish
Monitored since1487 days
Accepted countries All
Users Advice
4 Opinions on 4 comments
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