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favicon Payoneer payoneer-affiliates.com
Payoneer is a paperless payment system like Paypal, Payza or Skrill which opened in 2005.
This is an American financial services company that provides online credit card Mastercard (valid worldwide).

The company is headquartered in New York City with management offices in Tel Aviv, Israel. Refer your friends on Payoneer and get $ 25 for each referral. Better still, your friends also earn $ 25!

Type: Online Payment Service
Creation: 2005
Founder: Yuval Tal
CEO Scott Galit
Head Office: New York

Advantages :

- Buy in the physical store
- Buy in virtual stores (e-commerce sites)
- Withdraw money cash in ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) wherever MasterCard is accepted
- Requires no bank account
- An application for smartphones (Android and Ios) is available for transactions on your mobile
- You are free to choose your PIN
- The card is USD
- Additional security element: the microchip
- A live chat is available for all your problems
- Possibility to get paid by many sites such as Amazon, Freelance, Odesk, Ebay, etc
- Local bank account in the United States to get paid by all companies worldwide.
- Affiliate Program: $ 25 offered to sponsor and sponsored through the receipt of 1000 payment.

disadvantages :

- Management from abroad
- No cash deposits
- The "3D-Secure" technology and "no touch" option is not yet supported

Fees and limits

- Withdrawal fee in ATMs: $ 3.15 / transaction
a) Maximum: 10 transactions for a total amount of $ 2,500.00
b) Maximum: 9 transactions in POS (Point of Sale) for a total amount of $ 2,500.00
- Annual Management Fee: 29.95
- Balance Audit fees in ATMs: $ 1.00
- Transaction fees failed: $ 1.00
- Card transfer fee payoneer to payoneer card: free

a) card transfer card Minimum: $ 50

For a period of 24 hours:

b) Maximum: $ 3,000.00 by payments received
c) Maximum: $ 2,000.00 by payments sent

For a period of 30 days:

d) Maximum: $ 15,000.00 by payments received
e) Maximum: $ 10,000.00 by payments sent

charging modes
- For private cards:
a) Visa:
b) Mastercard:

Receipt of payment

- For the US / EU payment service (fee: 1% / duration: 3-5 days)
- By another payoneer card (fee 0% / duration: 2 hours)


- Be aged 18 or over
- Being resident in the US or Europe
- Valid ID (driver's license or identity card or passport)

N.B: Probably when ordering, payoneer request to load a picture front and back of one of the documents mentioned above
Average variable cost per transaction0%
Average fixed cost per transaction0 $
Monitored since4255 days
Accepted countries All
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payoneer Prepaid cards
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