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Viral Angels

Viral Angels

favicon Viral Angels viralangels.com
# N/A

AVERTISSEMENTSome MLM more incentive to make sales within your network rather than external customers. This practice is discouraged because it is a source of failure for new distributors.

Join the world's largest private equity and business angel network ? Viral Angels.

Have you even wondered why some investors do so well in startups? One of many reasons is timing ? in many cases the get in at a very early stage. The key is to work deals before they're out there and available to everyone. Once you're there it's often too late. In Viral Angels we have set out to bring that power to you!

Viral Angels Credit Union Ekonomisk Förening, Swedish incorporation number 769626-6357, is a credit union, owned by all its members. It operates as a cooperative form of investment, where all members can vote and influence on its annual meeting.
Creating the Perfect Storm

By setting up our closed and private marketplace we have created a very unique and exclusive playground where real and strong deals take place.

Our team picks investments every month and leverages our member base to gain access to the deals. We invest in each company and the upside in the form of shares in each business are shares by all members. We the track and analyze each deal and its performance.
The Marketplace

Within the market place, members may buy and sell shares between each other. The companies publish their financial reporting, press releases and other information that allows you to follow their progress including video presentations and web casts for certain events. Viral Angels provides an escrow service to protect each member when doing a transaction with other members.
Initial cost39 €
Kind of produt sold by this company
Payment solutionsPaypal
Languageenglish, french, german, spanish, portugese
Monitored since3745 days
Payments reported on NBR   0,00 $
Accepted countries All
They use Viral Angels
    Evolution rules of status
    Six in number, the statutes reflect the trust we place in the payment reliability of a rewarding site. This rating depends on the payment testimonials reported on by the members as well as the informed opinions of the administrators and moderators.

    legit Some payment testimonials from many members
    promising Some payment testimonials from some members
    new Default status
    doubtful Doubt on the payment reliability
    scam Not paying or not paying soon
    closed Inactive or missing site

    Know more

    • Actual rating of Viral Angels
    Reason to the status currently assigned by netbusinessrating since the 11/12/2016 at 10:10 PM
    Users Advice
    3 Opinions on 11 comments
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    10 years
    Découvrez Viral angels, ou comment investir sur internet dans les startups de demain sur la plateforme n°1 de crowdfunding.

    Le crowdfunding ou financement participatif est un mode de financement alternatif qui permet à toute personne souhaitant soutenir un projet d'investir à la hauteur de ses moyens.

    Découvrez Viral angels et devenez actionnaire de plusieures start-up innovantes de potentiel mondial à partir de 39 euros par mois.

    Investir dans les start-up et PME de croissance, c'est faire le choix de la plus-value, en pariant sur les futurs leaders de l'économie de demain.

    Créez ,en plus des revenus d'investissements, des revenus récurrents sur le réseau de membres que vous aurez sponsorisés chez viral angels.

    Je vous invite cordialement à assister à une de nos présentations hebdomadaires en ligne:

    Présentations en ligne du concept Viral Angels en français:


    tous les samedi à 18h00 et les lundi a 21h00 (heure française)

    Pour les invité(e)s, connectez-vous avec votre prénom, suivi de INV mickael damour (invité par Mickael Damour)

    Liens vidéos de présentation youtube:

    -présentation courte 11 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeU6_B8C_g8

    -présentation longue 45 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3dXxSWbBfE

    Pré-inscription, inscription copiez-collez ce lien dans votre navigateur :


    Mickael DAMOUR
    Manager viral angels

    Edit. : 17/03/2014 0:37:09 | Edit. : 18/03/2014 8:27:43 | Edit. : 18/03/2014 8:30:11
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