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# 4th
Zaxaa Referral Commissions

Love Zaxaa? Then why not tell other people about it. We give you 30% commissions (from what we earn) for Sellers/Vendors you bring in.

Since Zaxaa is a full-fledged shopping cart with sales funnels and affiliate management built-in -- once people sign up, they stay with us for YEARS. You could receive ongoing passive income for years for 1 simple referral today.

This is because it's a lot of work to change shopping carts, re-set up multiple sales funnels, move affiliates, etc.

Once your referral is plugged in, they won't want to leave.

You get 30% recurring commissions whichever plan they choose. Even if they sign up for the free plan, you'll get 30% commissions from the 3% transaction fee.

That's right. You can get commissions every month even for free signups.

If they sign up for the monthly plan, you'll get $23.10/month.

If they sign up for the yearly plan, you'll get $149.99/year.

Imagine promoting once and receive ongoing passive income for years for 1 simple referral today! If you refer 10 referrals, multiply your passive income by 10. If you refer 100 referrals, multiply by 100, etc.

Commissions are paid once per month on the first week of the month for transactions that have cleared the 30-day period.
This is residual income for you. Promote once and get paid for as long as the sellers/vendors continue to sell products (which they will)!
So go ahead and grab your Zaxaa Referral Link below and start promoting!
Payout30 $
Members countbetween 1 000 and 10 000
Average referral rate30%
Payment solutionsPaypal, Bank check
Monitored since3094 days
Payments reported on NBR   0,00 $
Accepted countries All
Evolution rules of status
Six in number, the statutes reflect the trust we place in the payment reliability of a rewarding site. This rating depends on the payment testimonials reported on by the members as well as the informed opinions of the administrators and moderators.

legit Some payment testimonials from many members
promising Some payment testimonials from some members
new Default status
doubtful Doubt on the payment reliability
scam Not paying or not paying soon
closed Inactive or missing site

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  • Actual rating of Zaxaa
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