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favicon Cafetalk cafetalk.com
Cafetalk is a japonese tutoring website offering lessons to learn various things : languages ( french, german, greek, russian, chinese, ... ), music, art, business, programming and even fortune telling. Overall, there is 12 categories.
You can be a student and / or a tutor.
As a tutor, you can share your knowledge by skype (for the majority of lessons). You can set your price, create your lessons, find students, create coupons to attract new students, set your schedule...
Cafetalk is very easy to use and it already has an important student's data base.
This is how it works when a student would like to have a lesson with you :
- the student looked at your schedule and select one of your lesson and an available time slot.
- you're informed by mail and you can either accept the request or send a rescheduling request.
- in the case you accepted, you will have to add you student on skype. Then, you'll have your lesson on the time you both agreed on.
- after the lesson, you'll have to complete the lesson : send a review.
- 65 % of your price will be add to your account (35% being the fee for the use of their platform) (your percentage gained is increasing with time so the more you teach, the less you pay fee to cafetalk.)
- when you reach 3000 points ( about 40 dollars ), you can ask the withdrawal which can be done through paypal and alipay for international users. Withdrawal can also be set to automatic.
Every 15 of the month, you'll be paid if you reached the threshold on the first of the month.
Languageenglish, german, spanish, italian, russian, japanese, chinese
Monitored since2658 days
Accepted countries All
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