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favicon Swagbucks swagbucks.com
Swagbucks has already paid more than $ 200 million to its users.
 The site is considered to be the first cashback site on the web. There are many offers and many polls, videos etc. There is also cashback in bucks on several sites including Amazon.

There are different ways to win with Swagbucks:
- Cashback with different partners like Amazon
- Watch videos (very useful to complete the daily goal)
- Respond to polls
- Downloader applications
- OK: Search on the net (after about 20-30 searches you will earn points)
- To play games

In the toolbar you will also find:
- the Swag code: these are codes that give you bucks that you will find easily on the web as on facebook for example.
- Daily Objective: you must activate it to be entitled to it. It is a very good source of motivation to earn points. You must claim them within the first 15 days of the month of the following month. There are two daily bonuses and a loyalty bonus. Very interesting!!!

Swagbucks has several payment methods including Paypal and the Amazon card.

The sponsorship is 10% for all your godchildren.

The site also has six swagbucks apps on Android.
Here's the list: SBTV, IndyMusic TV, Sportly TV, LifeStylz TV, MovieCli.ps and EntertaiNow TV. Each app allows you to earn 10SB by viewing videos, totaling 60SB. Which is very interesting!

Since 100SB = 1 $ PayPal

Swagbucks also owns a lottery: buy tickets with SB points for gift card draws.

Swagbucks is online for more than 10 years !
Payout5 €
Members countbetween 10 000 and 100 000
Average referral rate10%
Average profit by action0 €
Available offers per day10
Payment solutionsPaypal, Skrill, Gift voucher, Gifts, Payoneer
Languageinternational, french, german, spanish, portugese
Monitored since3988 days
Payments reported on NBR   6 650,36 $
Accepted countries Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, Eritrea, Estonia, Finland, France, French Guiana, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Madagascar, Martinique, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Réunion, Spain, U.S. Virgin Islands, United States
Evolution rules of status
Six in number, the statutes reflect the trust we place in the payment reliability of a rewarding site. This rating depends on the payment testimonials reported on by the members as well as the informed opinions of the administrators and moderators.

legit Some payment testimonials from many members
promising Some payment testimonials from some members
new Default status
doubtful Doubt on the payment reliability
scam Not paying or not paying soon
closed Inactive or missing site

Know more

  • Actual rating of Swagbucks
Reason to the status currently assigned by netbusinessrating since the 04/17/2017 at 5:47 PM
Some proof of payment
Users Advice
132 Opinions on 539 comments
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1 year
Alors mécontent de ce site car j'ai plus qu'assez pour demander 10€ cependant, on me demande un numéro de téléphone et un message m'indique que mon numéro est incorrect (voir photo jointe). Quelqu'un a déjà passé cette vérification? Je les ai déjà contacté mais on m'envoie à chaque fois le même mail, à savoir s'identifier via un lien et confirmer mon compte avec ma pièce d'identité. Ce que j'ai déjà fait 2x.
1 year
Je n'oublierai jamais votre manque d'honnêteté. Je me suis inscrit et ils proposaient la "fameuse" offre FDJ. En gros tu mettais 5 euros et Swagbucks étaient censés me créditer 10 euros sur mon compte. Bien évidemment, je n'ai rien reçu. SAV absent voir même inexistant sur Messenger. 5 balles misés à la FDJ perdu dans le vent, mon expérience est JUSTE HORRIBLE.
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