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favicon Bravolinks bravolinks.it

AVERTISSEMENTThe NBR status only rates the PTC function. We advise against the use of functions present on many PTCs such as rented referrals (RR) or the purchase of adpacks which are only scams.

Who can register in BRAVOLINKS.it?
Only Italian citizens who connect from Italy. BRAVOLINKS is an Italian affiliate program. Another requisite for registration is at least 18 years old. Registration is free. The email address you entered when registering must be confirmed by clicking on the confirmation email that will be sent to BRAVOLINKS.it
Earnings: 50 cents guaranteed at day!
There's a limit to earn?
No. No limit, the more the user will click activities, surveys etc. of BRAVOLINKS.it and earn more. The gain is different for each person depending on how much activity takes place and how many referrals will enroll under him.
How can I earn more 'with BRAVOLINKS.it?
To start earning money you must register. Registration it's free. Please enter a valid email address because you will be sent an email from BRAVOLINKS.it that you must click to confirm your subscription, otherwise you will not have access. When you have access to your account, click on EARN MONEY> SEE ADS and you will appear all the links to click for quick cash. To credited click commissions you have to keep the web page opened for a few seconds until the upper left corner of the images do not appear, then you have to click the inverted upside down. The biggest gains, however, are obtained from the Referral earning 10% of the value of their clicks. More referrals you refer under you and earn more.
How will I receive payments?
Payments can be requested with a minimum of 75,00 euro credit. Are made through PAYPAL, so be sure to enter your PayPal account in the appropriate section on your account BRAVOLINKS.it. If your earnings have exceeded EUR 300, you can ancherichiedere payment via bank transfer.
How long does the enrollment BRAVOLINKS.it?
Membership to BRAVOLINKS.it never expires. Once registered will be valid forever.
There is no charge to attend BRAVOLINKS.it?
There is no charge must be paid to participate in BRAVOLINKS.it
You must make at least 5 clicks to earn from your referrals tomorrow.
Exact, according to Italian law isn't legal multi level marketing where the affiliate doesn't work, because you can not gain on the work of others. Therefore, it's expected you to do a minimum of 5 clicks per day, choosing from the available link in SEE ADS, to earn every day from your referrals. If one day you do not, you will not lose any of your referrals, but you will be credited the gains from their click the following day. In practice: if today you do not make at least 5 clicks, tomorrow will not receive commissions on clicks of your referrals. Every night after 23:00 the links are reset and are ready to be clicked again.
News: every day there is the possibility to have from 7 to 10 extra ads only from smartphones and each is worth EUR 0.0015
Payout75 €
Members countbetween 10 000 and 100 000
Average referral rate10%
Payment withinsome day
Profit per click0.01 €
Available clicks per day 60
Payment solutionsPaypal
Monitored since2752 days
Payments reported on NBR   0,00 $
Accepted countries Italy
Evolution rules of status
Six in number, the statutes reflect the trust we place in the payment reliability of a rewarding site. This rating depends on the payment testimonials reported on by the members as well as the informed opinions of the administrators and moderators.

legit Some payment testimonials from many members
promising Some payment testimonials from some members
new Default status
doubtful Doubt on the payment reliability
scam Not paying or not paying soon
closed Inactive or missing site

Specific rules for PTC to be classified as LEGIT site :
  1. Be older than 1 year.
  2. Use own or original licensed script.
  3. Don't attract users with any kind of bonus to deposit (not to be likened to a ponzi)
  4. Giving free credits to users to post positive comments are strictly prohibited (ask if you want, but don't pay for it).

Know more

  • Actual rating of Bravolinks
Reason to the status currently assigned by netbusinessrating since the 06/04/2018 at 5:05 PM
Closed website
Users Advice
6 Opinions on 10 comments
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7 years
NUOVA PROMOZIONE SU BRAVOLINKS ! ecco il messaggio dell'Admin

Da oggi parte la promozione: 10 Euro omaggio nel PURCHASE BALANCE ad ogni nuovo REFERRAL che fai iscrivere.
i 10 euro saranno accreditati sul conto del nuovo REFERRAL appena conferma l'iscrizione gratuita.
Cosi' potra' anche affittare subito 10 REFERRAL AFFITTATI e proseguire a guadagnare.

PROMUOVENDO questa OFFERTA DI ISCRIZIONE GRATIS potrai far iscrivere sotto di Te molti nuovi iscritti e guadagnare una porzione dei loro guadagni per sempre;
come prenderne vantaggio?

1...preleva il tuo LINK REFERRAL che trovi nel tuo account BRAVOLINKS;
2...invialo, postalo pubblicalo dove vuoi

promuovilo con frasi come:

- 10 Euro SUBITO e fino a 3 Eurocent per click, Iscriviti GRATIS!
utilizza la tua creativita' per fare frasi attraenti ed utilizza immagini dei 10 euro!

Cosa aspetti? la PROMO e' gia' attiva, inizia subito a far iscrivere tuoi REFERRAL DIRETTI e guadagnare sui loro click!!

Ciao, e buoni guadagni con BRAVOLINKS.it

-Tutti i REFERRAL che si iscriveranno da quel link saranno tuoi per sempre, non scadranno mai, e potrai aumentare i tuoi guadagni!
-No, non guadagnerai una porzione dei 10 Euro, quelli vanno solo ai nuovi iscritti, sono una promo per farti acquisire REFERRAL DIRETTI.
- questa promo e' valida solo per i nuovi iscritti; persone gia' iscritte non ne beneficiano, ma possono utilizzarla per aumentar ei loro REFERRAL DIRETTI.
- questa promo e' valida da oggi 21 gennaio fino al 31 gennaio 2017 e poi scade automaticamente.
- non creare nuovi account dalla tua utenza pre ricevere i 10 euro di bonus, BRAVOLINKS accetta 1 solo account per utente, rete, indirizzo IP; se crei nuovi account tutti i tuoi account saranno bannati, idem se lo fa qualche tuo referral.
- questa PROMO potra' essere disattivata in anticipo a discrezione di BRAVOLINKS se ritiene che troppi utenti ne facciano un uso scorretto o un abuso o sviliscano l'immagine dell'azienda.
7 years
Sono iscritto a questa ptc dal 26-09-2016 , finora ci ho investito € 36,00 . Ho 12 referrals diretti dei quali 10 acquistati il 07-10-2016
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