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favicon Gamehag gamehag.com

Use this code to get a sign in bonus : GH3487993

Gamehag is a totally free website which allows you to get rewards by completing specific tasks in free games, writing articles, downloading mobile apps and much more.

In order to get your reward, you must have your Soul Gems (the currency used on this website) with which you will be able to choose your reward in the Shop where you can get paysafecards, Steam Wallet top ups, Google Play cards, Game Keys, PlayStation Network top ups, Riot Points, CS:GO skins or virtual currency for online games. Gamehag does also have a mobile application for Android and iOS.

There are many possibilites to get points:
- We can play play free downloadable and browser games. After creating our new account through the website and completing a specific task, we send a screenshot showing the completed task or in-game nickname through a form.
- We can play free mini games where we can get 1 points for each completed task specified on the right of the game screen.
- We can try our luck and get a cheaper reward in Contests, whch are nothing more than a Lottery.
- We can download free mobile apps through the Contracts or Daily Missions (the last ones are only available on the Gamehag mobile app).
- We can write articles and get up to 1000 points per written article.
- We can invite people. For each invited user who will get 1000 points, we will get 200.
- We can climb the rankings where three of the best users of the day, will get a bonus of 1000, 500 and 300 points.

Use this code to get a sign in bonus : GH3487993

Payout5 $
Members countbetween 10 000 and 100 000
Average referral rate0%
What the site allows to winSkins CS:GO /
Payment solutionsGift voucher, Gifts, Codes, paysafecard, PSN, Xbox Live, Steam Wallet, Gems, Google Play, Riot Points, Battle.net, CS:GO skins
Languageenglish, french
Monitored since2542 days
Payments reported on NBR   245,20 $
Accepted countries All
Evolution rules of status
Six in number, the statutes reflect the trust we place in the payment reliability of a rewarding site. This rating depends on the payment testimonials reported on by the members as well as the informed opinions of the administrators and moderators.

legit Some payment testimonials from many members
promising Some payment testimonials from some members
new Default status
doubtful Doubt on the payment reliability
scam Not paying or not paying soon
closed Inactive or missing site

Know more

  • Actual rating of Gamehag
Reason to the status currently assigned by netbusinessrating since the 11/14/2019 at 6:24 PM
User comments are negative
Users Advice
15 Opinions on 25 comments
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3 years
Ce site propose de tester ou de jouer à des jeux afin d'obtenir des points que vous pouvez transformer en cadeaux... SAUF QUE... il faut énormément de temps pour cumuler des points. De plus, si vous ne soumettez rien durant une semaine gamehag vous retire des points !!! Même si vous vous connectez chaque jour !!! ET QUE... alors que, comme je le disais, certaines tâches sont vraiment longues (plusieurs semaines !), la tâche disparaît comme par enchantement et vous vous êtes donné tout ce mal pour rien : la bonne blague. C'est ce qui vient de m'arriver et j'ai un peu les boules !!! A FUIR !!!
4 years
Arnaque total une fois un certain nombre de gems atteint à jouer, il m'ont supprimé mon compte.
Je ne recommande pas !
5 years
Site à éviter. Les taches sont s'en arret rejeté pour la meme raison, ce n'est pas un nouveau compte. Mais la moderation etant gerée par un bot, ils repondent toujours le même message bateau. j'ai envoyé des preuves sur Discord comme quoi mon compte était nouveau avec l'adresse mail du compte que j'utilise, et sans raison je me suis fait ban du discord. Ne surtout pas perdre son temps chez eux. C'est un cercle vicieux. 5 jeux testés 5 fois rejeté pour la même raison, alors que je n'avais touché à ces jeux auparavant ...
5 years
support et fonctionement des taches completement bidon | Edit. : 29/01/2019 20:51:25
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